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SO! as we all know, Troy and Norm did a little shindig down at Kent State University, which is in Ohio, for those of us who dont know or are bad a geography. being the obsessed person that i am, and having monday and tuesday off, i drove on down to ohio and met up with chris to meet THE MAN and Murphy in the flesh.

we met up at our hotel and checked in and went up to our room, only the door didnt open. after investigation, assistance from Mike the maintanence guy, and help from a hammer, we got it open, but due to a messed up plate in the door, it would only open from the inside without a crowbar. so the nice ramada people gave us a new room.

here. just in case you dont know what a hotel door looks like. that's our busted one.

so we got into our other room, and eventually headed over to kent state. we didnt even get too lost. we found the auditorium, went inside and DAMN there were a lot of people!!! they kept stuffing more and more in there until finally the show (or whatever) started. due to the fact that i have a point and shoot camera, and we were farish back, my few pictures of this event did not turn out so well but


here is one of troy and norm so you get the idear. i'll see if i can snag one of chris's to stick up, his are better. go check out Boondock Knights description of the eveneing, i'm not gonna rewrite it all down, but we got to see bits of the movie ON A BIG SCREEN and he talked about ASD as well as answering questions regarding BDS. VERY COOL.

also HERE is paint_me_red's pics from the big event!

then they did the whole signin autographs/taking pictures deal out in the lobby. which like 200 people were in line for. LITERALLY. so we waited and waited and waited on the norm side for a bit, i snuck in and grabbed a pic

doesnt it just remind you of how he does his hand in the scene at rocco's? yes i've seen the movie too much.

here's one chris grabbed 'cos he's ten feet tall and could see down over people's heads!

WOOT!!! chris and me with NORMAN FUCKING REEDUS!!!!!! :D

chris with his freshly autographed BDS and Six Ways to Sunday DVD covers.

i managed to snag this shot of norm through the crowd, he's lookin right at me! woot!....and i maked chris take a picture while we were waiting in the Troy line.

we finally got to the front of the troy line...

that's troy signing sumthing (note the requisite cig behind the ear).........and then him signing chris's boondock saints CD......

WOOT!!!! and me and chris WITH TROY!!!! yes, you may worship us lol....

he remembered me from boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how fucking rad is that!!?!??!? so he said he'd see us at the afterparty and we left for the bar....we got there and hung out and drank some, then troy came around and we chatted a bit and chris bought him a shot of JD, and troy said we could come downstairs to the private party!!! lol, know in wayne's world when they get back stage and they are all "we're not worthy!!" lol that's about how i felt. i was SO excited. the bouncer wouldnt let us down at first but then we got the okay and so we went downstairs! to the special people only place!

as it turns out, norm is a crackerjack pool player. i know 'cos i was still relatively sober when i watched this game. also, although i SUCK at pool i like it so i have an idea on what shots are good and stuff. norm's good.

norm calculating his next move.......and shaking hands with the guy he beat.....

that's also the end of the pictures that i clearly recall. after this i go from buzzed to drunk (to trashed) so some of the pictures i have a less definite idea what they are about, or when i took them. some (which i didnt bother to scan) i dont even know who they are of. i get friendly when i drink, what can i say. anyway....'s possible that norm noticed my constant documenting of him (it's all for my girls, i swear.....) but either way this one amuses me.

oooh! and troy and norm played doubles against someone. i dont know who. i'm not sure who won. but i got this picture

of troy making a shot. i asked first though 'cos someone (maybe jackelynn) yelled at me for taking flash photography while they were making shots.

no idea who those girls are or what i was doing taking this pic. because i dont REMEMBER taking it.

i DO remember asking norm about his tattoo though, 'cos some newbie started a thread asking about the tat on norm's back. i need to go post in that thread...

'cos there it is.

me bein really friendly with troy!!! lol

this is Phil! he's the guy who organized the whole thing in the first place. he's in some fraternity, check with BoondockKnight on that one 'cos all those greek letters are...well...greek to me. anyways, he found rocco's phone number on the internet and called him up! that's how the whole thing got started. i was drunk enough to have the balls to ask him about this, but he was like, dude, i am done talking about that right now....considering he prolly had to tell that story twelve thousand times that night i could understand so i just took his picture instead.

and chris took a picture of me with him. maybe he didnt like me so


this is my new friend Mishelle! and me. i actually dont look completely ugly in this picture. anyways, me and mishelle hung out a lot, we had fun being drunk and stalking norman. she's one of the few people i DO remember clearly despite my alcoholic incapacitation.

i was maybe takin a pic of chris's tat? i missed...i dont remember taking these ones either. this is jackelynn, i met her there too.

that's the bouncer Bill that didnt let us in at first, but then he did. he was a nice guy. maybe that girl's name is maria, i dont really remember.

also props to Troy and Norm for still being vertical...for the amount of shots and drinks people bought them they should've been in a coma.....

alas all good things come to an end, so we went back to the hotel. i dont have pictures of that, but i doubt angelfire would let me post them anyway.

we got the lady behind the checkout counter to take our picture before we left....

woot! 306 baby!!

chris getting ready to leave for the trip to VV's

and just 'cos i feel like sharing....

the speeding ticket i got in PA....85 in a 65, YIKES. my bad. i really didnt mean to be going so fast, i was listening to denis leary and got carried away. *sigh*

last (and least) the mess the front of my car is right now. i needed to used up the last shot on the film and i felt like sharing lol

ps also. chris's trip home was better than mine, 'cos he got to see VV. i stoled this picture of them.

awwwww....i wished i didnt have to go to work i'd much rather have hung out with those two!!!