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Mar 2014
BOSTON FIRE ACTIVITY REPORT Mar 2014 MA 07 MON 04 GROUP 2/3/1 BOX 2142 LOCATION: WARREN & MORELAND STS 124-126 Warren St Wood Commercial Building Vacant Under Renovation Fully Involved Collapsed Extended to 5-7 Winthrop St (7 ) 4 Story Brick Dwelling W/Mansard Roof, Extended to Roof 132-126 Warren St 3 Story Brick Dwellings INCIDENT #12109 Lt Santangelo L-23, Lorenz D-7(Ops), Jones H-1(Safety), Dowling D-9(Rit), Act DC Mullane L-18/D-4a(2nd), Act DC Tully E-14/D-8a(Act), Fleming C-7(IC), Hasson C-1 (C o D), Fontana C-2 (C o O), Shea K-1(FPD) 0412 1st Alarm By FA E 14-3-42 L 4-23 R-2 D-7(Ops) 0413 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 21 L 7-TL-10 RHU D-9(Rit), H-1(Safety) 0416 2nd Alarm By L-23E 24-22-37 L 26 SU ASU TaC D-4a(2nd), D-8a(Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 0416 3rd Alarm By L-23E 28-4 L 17 0422 4th Alarm By D-7 E 17-10 0425 5th Alarm BY C-7 E 33-55-7 L 16 C-1 C o D, C-2 C o O, K-1(FPD) Mutual Aid Brk E1-28,Cam E3-33, Quin E4-18 Brk L2-14 Quin 5-7 0426 1 X TL By C-7 TL-3 0427 6th Alarm By C-7 E 49-30 Mutual Aid Ded E3-30, New 1-51, Som 2-32 0436 7th Alarm By C-7 E 41-32 L 18 Mutual Aid Chel E2-9, Milt 1-48, Win 1-56 0800 Detail By C-7 E 14-24 L 29 0900 Detail By K-3 E 10-29 L 29 1033 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 11 1033 Detail Terminated Loss $ 500,000 1051 Detail RestablishedBy K-3 TL-10 1130 Detail By K-3 E 3-14 TL-10 1230 Terminated ORIGIN: # 124 1st floor homeless people set small fire to keep warm building became fully involved temp +16º 23 mph w/c -10º MA 08 SAT 15 GROUP 4 BOX 6164 LOCATION: MARION & BENNINGTON STS 132 Bennington St 2 Story Brick/Commercial Dwelling/Dwelling Over 1st Floor Martinez Brothers General Contractors INCIDENT #14373 Lt Alvarezdesotomayor L-2, McCormack D-1(Ops), Paschal D-6/H-1(Safety), Brooks D-3(Rit), Greene D-4(2nd), Act DC Provanzano E-2/D-6(Act), Dunbar C-6(IC), 0442 Still (Investigation) E 5 L 2 0451 1st Alarm By L-2 E 9-56 L 21 R-1 D-1(Ops) 0452 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 4 L 24 TL-3 RHU D-3(Rit), H-1(Safety) 0504 2nd Alarm By D-1 E 39-8-10-50 L 1 SU ASU TaC D-6a(2nd), D-4(Act) C-6(IC) A-65 A-10 0545 Detail By C-6 E 49 L 4 0644 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 33 0658 Terminated Loss $ 350,000 ORIGIN: electrical fan 2nd floor bathroom rear ceiling MA 09 TUE 25 GROUP 4 BOX 3638 LOCATION: BLUE HILL AV & GOODALE RD 44 Deering Rd 3 Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #16340 Hocking D-8(Ops), D. Walsh H-1(Safety), Nichols D-12(Rit), Pettaway D-7(2nd), Rushton D-9(Act), Tully C-7(IC), 2111 1st Alarm By FA E 52-16-53 L 29-16 R-2 D-8(Ops) 2116 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 6 TL-10 RHU D-12(Rit), H-1(Safety) 2123 1 X Lad By D-8 L 23 2124 2nd Alarm By D-8 E 24-18-17 SU ASU TaC D-7(2nd), D-9Act) C-7(IC) A-65 A-10 2141 2 X Lad By C-7 L 26-7 2210 Detail By C-7 E 39-49 L 1-14 0016 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U 0016 Terminated Loss $ 300,000 ORIGIN: 2nd floor rear kitchen extended to 3rd floor via walls MA 10 WED 26 GROUP 2/3/1 BOX 1579 LOCATION: BEACON & EXETER STS 298 Beacon St 4/5 Brick/Wood Apartment Dwelling W/Mansard Roof INCIDENT #16454 D-4 Shafer(Ops), Jones H-1(Safety), D-3 Mackin (Rit), Buchanan D-6(2nd), Lorenz D-7(Act), Finn C-6(IC), Granara W-1 (Training), Dowling D-9(2nd Rit), Fleming C-7(2nd Rit), Hasson C-1 (C o D), Fontana C-2 (C o O), Stalworth K-1(FPD), Joseph K-2(FPD), Magee K-3(Arson), Detail: McMahon D-11, Act DC Tully E-14/D-8, Dempsey D-1, Price D-12, Buchanan D-6, Greene D-4, 1442 1st Alarm By FA E 33-7-22 L 24-26 R-1 D-4(Ops) 1445 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 37 L 17 TL-3 RHU D-3(Rit), H-1(Safety) 1448 2nd Alarm By D-4 E 3-4-39 L 15 SU ASU TaC D-6(2nd), D-7(Act) C-6(IC) A-65 A-10 1450 “Mayday By E-33E 29 L 21 R-2 D-9(2nd Rit), C-7(2nd Rit) 1452 “Back draft” By D-3 1453 3rd Alarm By D-3 E 10-17 L 18 1453 4th Alarm By D-3 E 24-14 1457 5th Alarm BY C-6 E 29-42 L 14 C-1 C o D, C-2 C o O, K-1(FPD) Mutual Aid Brk E1-28,Cam 2-33, Quin 2-18 Brk L2-14 Quin 5-7 1508 6th Alarm By C-6 E 5-55 Mutual Aid Nee E1-30, New 1-51, Som 2-32 1508 7th Alarm By C-6 E 32-28 L 4 Mutual Aid Chel E2-9, Ded 1-48, Win 1-56 Cam L1-15 1510 1 X Eng By C-6 E 2 1513 8th Alarm By C-6 E 30-2 Mutual Aid Evt E1-8, Milt 1-48, Wat1-37 1513 9th Alarm By C-6 E 21-49 Mutual Aid Mal E3-10, Rev 3-5, Wal 2-41 1528 1 X Lad By C-6 L-16 1549 1 X TL By C-6 TL-10 Special Mutual Aid Cam L 1-15(15-24) Som L 2-9 (L 9-15) 1631 1 X Eng G-1 E 16 Special Mutual Aid Cam E3-14 Som L 1-24 2124 Detail By C-6 E 2-8-41 L 19 D-3 D-11 0000 Detail 03/27 By C-6 E 16-30-53 L 9-25 TL-10 D-8 0200 Detail E 48-56 L 1-29 D-1 0400 Detail E 20-52 L 6-21 D-12 0600 Detail E 9-18 L 28 D-4 0740 All Out IGNITION FACTOR 13 0800 Detail E 41 1000 Detail E 32 1200 Detail E 17 1319 Detail +TL-3 SU 1400 Detail E 52 L 26 1600 Detail E 16 D-4 1800 Detail E 5 1843 Detail Terminated Loss $ ORIGIN: sparks from welding in adjacent building #296 extended to basement #298 rear extended via openings to all floors through roof fully involved temp +16º 23 mph wind gusts to 60 mph w/c -10º 1000 Signal 10-15 for Lieutenant Edward J Walsh Engine 33 and Fire Fighter Machael Kennedy Ladder 15 detailed to Engine 33 Both killed in the line of duty MA 11 FRI 28 GROUP 1 BOX 5248 LOCATION: MYRICK & BAYARD STS 40 Bayard St 2½ Story Wood Dwelling INCIDENT #16765 Maughn D-11(Ops), Greene D-4(Rit), Miller H-1(Safety), Dowling D-9(2nd), Brooks D-3(Act), DiBenettedo C-6(IC) 0300 1st Alarm By FA E 41-29-51 L 14-11 R-1 D-11(Ops) 0305 Rehab and Rit Cos By FA E 42 L 15 TL-3 RHU D-4(Rit), H-1(Safety) 0310 2nd Alarm By D-11E 37-33-22 L 26 SU ASU TaC D-9(2nd), D-3(Act) C-6(IC) A-65 0442 All Out IGNITION FACTOR U Loss $ 150,000 ORIGIN: 1st floor rear porch heavy fire extended to 2nd floor and attack © Copyright 2014 Elliot M. Belin All Rights Reserved
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