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Gammonsonian Diamonds League History


The league has very modest beginnings. Conceived of in 1998 by four friends at college in Boston, the soon to be life long FLBers set out to try their hands at rotisserie baseball for the first time. Forming a league on ESPN, they quickly were joined by another owner located 3,000 miles away. These five, aka Founding Fathers, Brian, Burr, Chris, Gary, and Rishi form the foundation of the league and remain the stalwarts of the league though the league felt a loss with Brian's departure in 2003. In the years since many members have come and gone but through a Darwinian-like selection process the league has retained it best and most competitive owners. Strong competitive and sometimes controversial spirits including Kimo Ferrari, Glenn Schroter, and David Grindley and many others have infused life and longevity into the league. While we may lose some of these owners from time to time there's always a new jewel on the horizon ready to step up. Ken Zwiebel, a Jerusalem, Israel resident who can always be found at our annual draft making the 5000 mile mecca and his brother Jeff form a new age for the Gammonsonian Diamonds. In addition we have a strong leadership from Gary Blanchard and Burr Loew, the league's 2 dedicated commissioners. Great efforts have also been given by Chris Kwan our league's secretary. 

Briefly the GMDS started with a 10 team league on ESPN for the first 3 years before moving o a 12 team format on during the 2001 season. Craving another challenge, the league formed a mixed keeper league beginning with the 2002 season. From live drafts in Las Vegas to countless hours spent discussing rules via e-mail the comraderie in the GMDS thrives. It is certainly a competitive bunch and not without an occasional disagreement or scuffle on the BB but that is the essence of our competitive spirit, driving everyone to make this undeniably one of the best roto leagues. We look forward to the bright future of the league and also to new rookies, Gary Wilson & Steve Osiecki.

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