I don't have time right now to keep the list on this page updated but please go to http://www.tapetrader.com/Spezza939 for my current list of bootlegs. If you have any questions about the shows, feel free to ask. I'm currently in the process of going through and grading the shows. I also have setlists up on Tape Trader for *most* shows. If a show you're interested in is not graded or does not have a setlist posted on Tape Trader, email me (Spezza939@aol.com) and I'll get you the info. I will trade show for show or CD for CD. I prefer CD for CD but it doesn't really matter to me. I typically trade only for CDs. Definitely no cassettes, I have traded for VHS and MP3 format CDs. I burn all shows DAO but some recordings already have gaps between tracks. If this bothers you make sure you ask me about it before you trade with me. If you don't mention it, I'll assume you don't care. I will trade for shows with space between tracks. It doesn't bother me. If the sound quality is good then I don't really care how you burn it. Please don't lie about the sound quality of your shows. If you do I'll have to put up one of those bad trader pages. I think those are stupid so please don't make me have to put one up here. I usually don't do B&P but if you don't have anything to trade feel free to email me (Spezza939@aol.com) anyway and maybe we can work something out.