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Original non Originality
of Vlado Lukac (Slovakia)


Vlado Lukac, Labute...  (after Salvador DalĂ­'s, Swans Reflecting Elephants, 1937)
Vlado Lukac was born in 1961 in Martin (central Slovakia). In 1984 he graduated the Technical university in Zilina.
The essence of Vlado's phenomenon of non original originality is in his extremely strange inclination for improvement of art works of famous artists, especially Salvador Dali. Vlado asserts that all his improvements are in oil on panel or canvas. He uses Photoshop or Corel Draw only for creation posters, but not for correction pictures. Vlado said that he does these improvements merely intuitively using no theory whatewer.
In art history we know cases when an artist re-created artwork of another artist. For instance, it is known the long enough chain of copyists related with composition of the best known picture Luncheon on the Grass of Edouard Manet. This chain is following:
Raphael's Judgment on Paris;
M.Raimondi's engraving Judgment on Paris after Raphael;
Manet's Luncheon on the Grass after M.Raimondi Judgment on Paris;
A few drawings of Picasso after Manet's Luncheon on the Grass.
But these my words do not mean that our readers artists have to be plagiarists. I myself had become a sacrifice of copyists in 1983, when composition of my diploma work was copied and renamed by one of celebrated artists.
Jurate Macnoriute...
Vlado Lukac, Vlado, strange inclination, strange inclinations, improvement of art works, Salvador Dali, improvement of art, improvement of picture, phenomenon, plagiarism, plagiarists, art originality