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Jurate Macnoriute
The Research of artworks on semantic level. The Method of Diagonals and Perpendiculars to Them
On semantic level the relation between artwork and its meaning is elucidated or in other words figurative and plastic forms are studied. Elements are researched  with respect to sintagmatic axis.
The author of this article is a painter herself, that is why most analyses of the articles in THE SECRETS OF PERFECTION are interrelated with artistic creation. I try to analyse such problems and to find such solutions which can be applied in painting practice. For this once I want to represent one of my methods which I created more then 20 years ago and which can be related with narrative level of analysis, i.e. the method of diagonals and perpendiculars to them.
The figure consisted of diagonals and perpendiculars to them which intersect in centre of picture is drawn. This figure remind of vanes.  In Corel DRAW let us lay such "vanes" on reproduction so that their centre would coincide with one or other composition centre of picture. Then vanes' lines touch or intersect other similar to compositional centre details. We can elucidate this property on Rudolf Arnheim's proposition that similar parts form some visible models... The more simple such model the more group is visible (R.Arnheim, Art and Visual Perception, 1974, p. 82-83). Visibility of group means high degree of arrangement. Arrangement is one of conditions of existence of harmony and art (L.Mironova, Science of Colour, Minsk, 1984, p. 61, in Russian). Therefore models of similar parts are simple in art. Thus described above vanes gather together picture's details which form most simple models -- right angled triangles with apexes on compositional centres.
This regularity perhaps better of all reveal itself in artworks of plot painters. Thus  for demonstration of the method I chose a couple of paintings of maestro of plot painting Russian artist Pavel Fedotov  (1815-1852).
Analysis of Pavel Fedotov's pictures The Breakfast of Aristocrat and The Matchmaking of Major using method of diagonals and perpendiculars. Let us match vanes' centre with a subject -- the head of aristocrat. Then in one direction vanes' lines intersect doggie, in another hidden hunk of bread, scrap of paper on the chair, top of the door, where jingled the doorbell, because somebody is coming. There are some things in one direction (going down) and they are not dangerous for the subject -- doggie; in another direction (rising) irritated ones are -- guest, rubbish and food in his hand (direction from the left lower corner to the right upper one is rising and direction from the left upper corner to the right lower is going down -- through motion of sun).
If vanes' centre is coincidental with doggies body, then vanes' lines show: the head of owner of the room is in "clear" direction and legs of owner and guest in "irritated" direction -- perhaps it needs to bark. Taking  into account euphoric or disphoric character of object in respect of concrete subject, we can call them potential objects and anti objects of value (object -- thing desired by subject; anti subject -- not desired, unpleasant or even harmful one).
Such character of rising and going down directions in respect of potential objects and anti objects of value is not characteristic for every artwork. We can find pictures with reverse or one sided distribution, i. e. when only objects of value are around subject or only anti objects, as in another picture of P.Fedotov The Matchmaking of Major.
So the bride is becoming embarrassed, because her clothing and table are not yet prepared for wedding feast; the black dressed beaded man is enjoying women breasts; the washing its face itself cat is looking only after hands of women -- maybe someone smoothies it or regales with delicious piece.
In that way vanes' lines often bind important plot's details and help to establish subject's field of interests. In other words, vanes' lines help to establish objects and anti objects of value. Using of such vanes also is not complicated.
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I apologize for my Lithuanian accent again.
Copyright © 2001, Jurate Macnoriute