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terrorismCartoon on subject Chechnya war, Chechen terrorists and their supporters multimillionaire Boris Berezovski and Vytautas Landsbergis. Tulip terror
Political application of Jurate Macnoriute
Title: Tulip
or Column of Terrorism,
or Hard Burden,
or Atlants holding terrorist firmament, 2002.
Chechen terrorists gunmen under the leadership of Shamil Basayev, Aslan Mashadov and Ahmed Zakayev  in Moscow. Shamil Burayev, Basayev, Basaev
Chechen gunmen under the leadership of Shamil Basayev supported by Aslan Mashadov and Ahmed Zakayev with threatening to blast building seizure more than 800 hostages in a theatre October 23 in Moscow.
Tulip's petal consists from Chechen terrorists and partly from armed to the teeth Movsar Burayev who participated in seizure of hostages. in October 23
Central figure of supporters with the red tie is Boris Berezovsky, multimillionaire who stole 3 milliards dollars from Russian people and now he is busy with financing Chechen terrorists. Boris Berezovsky is caught by militia of Russian Federation and he is hiding himself in the United Kingdom. At present Berezovsky is taking trouble for defense of another war criminal Ahmed Zakayev concealing by Denmark's authorities.
Copenhagen Chechen conference, Nord-Ost
Side mister holding this hard burden is Vytautas Landsbergis.
Burayev linked the blast to the seizure of more than 800 hostages by Chechen gunmen in a theater Oct. 23. They threatened to blow up the building unless Russia ended the war in Chechnya. Officials said 128 hostages were killed, nearly all from the effects of a knockout gas Russian authorities pumped into the building shortly before special forces launched the raid to end the standoff.Rrebels Chechnya-based rebels into neighboring Dagestan and apartment Sergei Kovalyov told Echo of Moscow Abdul-Khakim Sultygov, the presidential human rights envoy to Chechnya VLADIKAVKAZ, Russia - The house of one of the Moscow theater hostage-takers was blown up yesterday, apparently in retaliation for her involvement in the incident
Copenhagen Chechen conference, Nord-Ost
Why did I choose trope of so nice spring flower for representation of such  ugly occurrence as terror act? Perhaps it is, because most known Lithuanian Mafiosi from Panevezys town assumed the name "tulipers" and in our minds "tulip" acquired so bad symbolic meaning connected with criminals. Burayev linked the blast to the seizure of more than 800 hostages by Chechen gunmen in a theater Oct. 23. They threatened to blow up the building unless Russia ended the war in Chechnya. Officials said 128 hostages were killed, nearly all from the effects of a knockout gas Russian authorities pumped into the building shortly before special forces launched the raid to end the standoff terror, terrorist Achkhoi-Martan administrator Shamil Burayev told the Interfax news agency that armed men in camouflage uniforms entered the house early yesterday and told two women and two children to get into a car outside War criminals

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