SEGMENT 3 - This time we went when it was pretty light/kinda dark out. The cast in this one is Mike, Ryan, Cassie, and Garrett. We heard helicopters that were probably aliens before we entered Titicut. When we got there, we decided to walk down to the river. We saw something floating in the water and soon discovered that it was the little boy who drowned there in the 1930's. It was certainly wierd. So we ran away, and then we decided to go back because we're stupid and we almost died. The lighting in this one is much better.
Segment 3
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SEGMENT 2B - The following is part B of Segment 2. It was filmed with Cassie's camera. Be sure to watch the whole thing and sign the guestbook!
Segment 2B
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SEGMENT 2A - During the long weekend of Easter, we took another trip to Camp Titicut, only this time it was pitch black. We took a walk to the Camp the night before, but we were chased out of the woods about 25 yards past the entracnce by something (we're not kidding). For Segment Two, we took a group of six including Mike F, Garrett, and Cassie, plus Mike H, TW, and Matt. When we reached splitting paths, we decided to split up. We had two cameras. The following is Segment 2A, filmed with Garrett's camera. Because of the extreme darkness, it's hard to see. And because of TW's mumbling it may be hard to hear, but Garrett put on really cool music so it's cool.
Segment 2A
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SEGMENT ONE - The following was shot at Camp Titicut in Bridgewater, Massachusetts by three curious Bridgewateriians. Camp Titicut is known for its visits by ghosts, aliens, ghosts, and indians and stuff. The following is Segment One of the ongoing documentary...this beats the OC any day...
Segment One
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