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seashelli's home page

seashelli's Home Page

I'm seashelli..let me introduce myself. I am a Mom of 3 boys. I love to do crafts and am learning how to write web pages. I am also researching genealogy. When I was young my grandfather always said "Family is the most important part of life". I heard this for so many years. He was right, family is the most important part of my life. I will also include my close friends. I grew up an only child and my friends where like family to me, and they still are.
I also have an interest with computers. I am learning to write web pages and hope soon to be more involved with creating the graphics for my pages. Since this my newest craft so to speak please bear with me as I learn.

Here are some old pages and my genealogy pages, please stop by again.

Please say a prayer for my neighbor's son have to read this! This could happen to you!

Maine vacation Page

Come & meet the birds that have owned me

My Genealogy Page!

Come and meet the Family!

In Loving Memory, to my Grandfather

Dedicated to a Friend who's life was short

Please come back and visit again! This page is under construction it changes now and then!

All of my pages contain a link where I found the graphic I am using. These beautiful graphics are from

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My Page has won an Award! I Thank thee Sir Lancelot