David Lago
Interview with David Lago"

From CBS.com

On January 18, DAVID LAGO (Raul) was celebrating his birthday. And even though he had to work his Y&R co-star, ALEXIS THORPE (Rianna), made sure that his day was a special one. She had decorated his dressing room with balloons, flowers and an ice cream cake! CBS.com sat with David, amongst the streamers, and discussed everything from his birthday plans to what he looks for in a friend.
CBS.com: Happy Birthday! Do you have any big birthday plans?
DAVID LAGO: Yes. We're getting a bunch of friends together on Saturday. We're all going to dinner. Then we are all going to a club in Hollywood to just party.

CBS.com: Sounds fun. What would you be doing to celebrate today if you weren't working?
DAVID LAGO: [Jokes] Sleeping. No, on my birthday I usually hang out with my family - my parents and brothers. We usually do a whole day birthday experience with the family. [We'd] wake up, go to breakfast, go to a movie, go to lunch. If I wasn't working today, I'd probably be in Palm Springs or San Diego with my family.

CBS.com: Is that where they live?
DAVID LAGO: No, they live here [in Los Angeles], but everybody would have the day off. We'd probably just hop in the car, go to San Diego and hang out.

CBS.com: Are you having fun with Raul's current storyline?
DAVID LAGO: Yes, it's getting interesting now. It's a lot of drama. Raul's finally [coming out of his shell].

CBS.com: The fans are responding to that and enjoying his new voice.

CBS.com: How do you feel about Raul's relationship with Rianna?
DAVID LAGO: It's great. It's fun because I had a relationship with Mac and that was very sweet and innocent. With Rianna, it's a totally different kind of relationship. She's obviously different than Mac. She pulls different sides of Raul out. We get to see a different side of him and in different situations, relationship-wise.

CBS.com: What is it like working with Alexis Thorpe [Rianna]?
DAVID LAGO: Great. We get along great. I'd actually known her for a year before she started working [at Y&R]. She's a good friend of mine.

CBS.com: How did you two meet?
DAVID LAGO: We met at some party.

CBS.com: Why do you think Raul still reacts so emotionally to Mac's decisions surrounding Billy?
DAVID LAGO: Part of it is that Mac was his real first love. He was head over heals for her and it's not that easy to turn off. I think part of him still really cares for her in that way and part of him just cares for her period.

CBS.com: If Rianna hadn't entered his romantic life do you think Raul would still be trying to get back with Mac?
DAVID LAGO: Well, we notice that he's very into Rianna, but I think, in time, we'll notice a little hesitance there because he still cares for Mac. I don't know. Maybe if he weren't seeing Rianna he'd try to pursue Mac again, but he'd take it slow. He wouldn't force himself on her.

CBS.com: Do you think it was friendship that motivated Raul to confront Billy about working at the shelter?
DAVID LAGO: I think it's his protective nature for his friends and his loyalty to his friends. He doesn't want to see his friends get hurt. He's very aware of situations that come about. He's always thinking ahead to the consequences. If he hears that Billy is going to be working at the shelter [then he'd think], "Okay, what's going to be the long term effects of that? Someone is going to get hurt and it's going to be Mac and she's a friend of mine. We can't have that." He's very protective of his friends.

CBS.com: In real-life, do you tend to be more protective of your male or female friends?
DAVID LAGO: I'm the same way with both. I have five really good friends and I'm very protective of all of them. I have to be, but I'm the same way with girls. I guess it goes back to [the fact that] I don't have sisters and I always wanted a little sister. So I have a couple of girlfriends who are like sisters to me. And yeah, I'm very protective of them, too.

CBS.com: What qualities do you look for in a friend?
DAVID LAGO: Loyalty. Sense of humor. We [have] got to be on the same page. We have to understand each other, no secrets from each other. Total trust.

CBS.com: In your eyes, what would mark the end a friendship?
DAVID LAGO: Betrayal. If I consider you my friend, I will put my entire life in your hands and see what you do with it. If you betray me, it's over because I wouldn't betray you. I don't believe that's what friends do. If they [betray you] then they're not real friends.

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