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Dusty the Infamous Idiot

Unfortunately I have one pet. Its an idiot. some think its a dog. Its not, its an idiot. Lets see, well, we have it chained to a tree in the back yard, and it runs around in circles till its choking itself. which is like what it does to us when we try to take it for a walk. and i do mean try. we have yet to succeed in making it around the block. ONLY the block, dusty, ONLY the block. we don't give her too much food cause she's getting fat. Not from the food we give her, mind you. her main weight comes from random household items among other unmentionable things. I think its more than coincidence when she gains weight and a shoe is missing. I'd have to say her main diet consists of kleenexes. she consumes a box a day. Yes, her favorite delicatesson is definitely wood. It seems amusing to visitors when my dog responds to idiot better than her own name. anyone that gets to know her understands. tricks? don't make me fall out of my chair laughing. the closest thing to a trick it does and no, we did not teach her to do this she just has always done it, if you point at her, she'll happily run up to you and use your finger to poke herself in the eye. don't ask. well, i do believe thats about all.

Every Thought Ever to Occur In her Head

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