Pissed List
RP #

Tag Team Title 4 way
All Tag Teams
# 2
Ttiles Held
# words
2x Hardcore Belt
1x Tag Teag Belt
Grave Digger
Best RP ever!
Hell like I know

The lights shut off. The stillness in the air is uncontrollable, and unbeknownst to the fans two very important men are about to walk through the curtain. These men are 2 forces to be reckoned with, and 2 people who will not be denied, these men are The Legeon of the Lost. With the music blaring, and fans standing, these men, one a giant, the other a giant of perspective walk down the ramp. Grave Digger slowly walks, draging the shovel behind, a continuing echo receeds from the action and thunders throught the arena almost as if it were thrown. Grave Digger's shovel seems all too bright in comparison to his dark and dank appearence. He is clothed in what once might have been a white shirt, but now was meerly dirt encrusted cloth. His jeans are much in the same way, and his large boots make a loud crashing noice when they hit the steel of the ramp. Next to him Joker looks innocent. Some camo pants, a shirt, it looks like these two belong in different worlds, yet they co-exist, as a team. The two reach the ring. Grave Digger stretched his arm up high and clambers up onto the mat. He then stretches the ropes, wih extreme strength, at least more than four feet, so that when Joker gets in he barely has to lean over to reach the inside of the ring. Grave Digger then releases the ropes so that they whap together and shake like Pamela Andersons... well, nevermind. He then jumps down onto the pads infront of the ring. He then slowly walks around the ring to get a mic, and then once again, with his music still playing reaches the inside of the ring to meet up with Joker. He then hands the mic to Joker, who moves to the corner, and climbs the turnbuckle, and sits on the top turnbuckle, looking towards Grave Digger who remains standing in the middle of the ring.

Joker: Hello folks. How's life in Norfolk? Man, I have honestly never been in this "town" but so far, I don't like it. It's like Canada, and I don't mean this in a bad way, but its to damned clean. The people are too fucking nice, it shouldn't be that way. You city quote is this "Life. Celebrated Daily." To me, that means you people are just a bit too fuckng nice. I like Virginia... well, compared to most of the Eastern States. I don't like coming to the East, I do prefer it much more in the West. It's too fucking cold here. I don't like snow... it's just some damned frozen water... it's not supposed to be special. It's nothing against the city. I just don't like the enviroment. If I am gonna be stuck in the East, just fucking put me either New York, or New Jersey. I like those places. But here, I can live with you people, but I'm just happy I don't live here. But the fact is that I am here for one more week, and this is gonne be one of the fucking hardest weeks of my life. This is going to be one of the hardest matches of my life, if not the hardest. And do all Norforkians want to know why? Because of 2 men. These 2 men are Zero and Rayn. I most honestly give credit where credit is due. Zero cam out here and talked about the match. Not like most of the other half assed stupid hick fucks who wait until the last minute come out here nd bullshit you with a birage of comments that they have been brewing over for a week or so. I have no repect for these people, which Zero is not one of. I respect him, just like he respects me. Like I have said, repect is something I care about.. a lot! Zero this is to you:

This is an agreement, and a warning. Like you said, we are very, very much in common. We are both 2 great superstars and full of dedication. You can not be victoriuos in this sport without giving a fuck. Sure there are people like Mr. Hardkore, who honestly don't give a shit... but I am here to work, and I respect you for that. You talkd about the Revolution. I have been fighting the members of the Revolution since I first arrived over a year ago. If I had to pick one person the kick the living hell out of in the ERWF, without a doubt it would be Chis Benoit. More blood and sweat was shed in my several matches Benoit then in any others. The Revolution is nothing but a group of dishonest, and unrespectable jackasses. And this match for the belts, I will express just how much a hate the Revolution. But thats another thing that we agree on Zero, those belts, we both want them, I am the Hardcore Champion, that gives me respect, you? You are the same with the European belt. The more that I think about this the more realize that I do not want these belts... they are like I said sidelines to repesect. There, is a way, Zero that we can both win. How you ask, and why this involves you? Well that is a quite simple answer, you are the one. I have faced many great people, and I have won. But right now you are is as high as it gets... you are seen as something unstopable, and I dont doubt your skill. In the ERWF you are a force to be reckoned with. I looked at the majority of people out there... and I looked for the most reveared... the most looked up to in that majority, and I put a big red target over his pride, and that man is yopu Zero. Because that is what those kind of people are built of... pride. It is all for admiration... pride.. the sence of bieng the greatest, I once was that way... in my quest for this belt. But now I use this belt as a stool, a stool that lets me stand up high and look straight into the eyes of Zero, to earn respect. We can both come out of this match winners, I am not saying that this is a do or die situation. If we fight and I fall, you wins... you get what you wants. But if after that fall... Zero... THE MAN... looks at me on the ground... heps me up, and tells me good match... then I have won. I will fight for this victory. I am here to prove that!

You people, you people in Norfolk, you sit there in you serat and you have no Idea, NO FUCKING IDEA what it means to be out here everynight. Fighting, constantly, battling for your job. To you this is a form of entertainment, to me it is a constant struggle, and I am running out of gas. I can't keep this up for ever, and if I try, I don't know how long I will last. I know I can't stay for ever but my body can't take this. The ERWF doesn't really need me any more, they have better people, but I will never truely leave the ERWF. I have been the Hardcore Champion, and I am right now. If I fight, and I get the respect I want, I will leave, because I can't do this. But if I find that my battle is against people who just dont give a fuck, I will bow out. I am not saying goodbye. I just want to capture one more belt, go that extra mile to make sure that no one forgets me. I have been offered a full time Staff Postition by Alex and I think that I will take him up on it. But I will never compleltially leave the ERWF.

But this isn't a fairwell, I still have some more matches, including my match on Monday night. As focused as I am on Rayn and Zero's intence attitude. There are other's in my match... 5 others. My companion , my buddy, mon amie, Grave Digger, he has much to say about the match.

Whilest Joker sits on the turnbuckle he tosses the mic to a waiting Grave Digger, who snatches it out of the air, he repositions it in his hand and holds it for a second, pondering what to say, he raises the mic to his lips to speak.

Grave Digger: This bout will be the first for me, but I warn you, that it shall not be my last. It is the dawn of the era of Grave Digger, Peelius, your time has come and gone, and if you last throught this match, you will have stayed longer than you were supposed to. You partner Mr. Hardkore, one who hast not a clue what he is walking into, it will be a hellstorm on Monday night, and I feel sorry for you. You think you have it all sorted out in you mind, you walk into the ring with fury and hatred, but all you are going to do is get all your dreams galiantly stomped on by this here boot. Reaper, do you think you are evil, you have no idea what evil is. I had to bury my own parents with nothing but a shovel. The as the night came to a close I knew that some day I would seek revenge apon those parties responcible. The man have long gone, but my anger is still there, firmenting in my soul, I think of that every night, the hell of raising myself, no one caring, I had to fend for myself. Know one knows that pain, pain turns into anger, and anger is used TO KICK YOUR ASS! Zero, you called us your only threat, this is for a single reason, we are your threat, andyou better watch yourself. You will be the first of names the book. This book contains the names of all the men and women that have been hurt at my hands in ERWF, for now this book is blank, but soon, you chapter will be over!

Grave Digger then throws the mic back at Joker, and drops his head. He starts walking and when he reaches the ropes he turns around, and flips backwards to reach the mat. Joker then realizes that Digger left his new shovel in the ring. He leaps off of the turnbuckle on which he was sitting, grabs the shovel. As soon as Joker touches Grave Diggers entire body swings around faster then he had ever moved before. He looks Joker straight in the eyes and strtches out a hand. He then directs Joker to give it to him imidietially. Joker walks to the ropes and hands the shovel to Grave Digger handle first. Grave Digger grabs the shovel from Joker, still looking him in the eyes. He turns and continues up the ramp. Joker then resumes his position at the top of the turnbuckle.

Joker: Zero, look what you made him do, oh well. I do hate to be focusing on one person and one person only. There are others. Peelius for instance. Peelius, he's a cool guy, and we get along fine, infact I have a surprise for you all after the commercial break, but I will save that secret for a little later. Peelius, we haven't ever fought before, and I find this just slighty odd, we have both been in this fed for a long time, yet our paths have yet to cross. I wonder why this is. At a time we were of almost the same skill level, and we were both fighting for the Tag Team Belts, but guess who got to the belts Peelius, no shit I did. Me and my partner Gryphon brought dignity to those belts and then 2Xplosive thre it all away. But I know what it mean to bee a Tag Team Champion here in ERWF. I know what I means to be any type of Champion. You have been great, fuck, you held the World, and the Unites States, which now rests peacefully at the bottom of some river in New Jersey. Here's the deal, you should have giving up a long time ago, gone out when people still admired you, or at least when people thought you had any skill. You are just going to die out when no one cares about yoiu like some many others, Vampyre, Predator, even the recentially absented Syxx. I feel sorry for you, but that sorrow will not haunt me when I am beating you down inside that ring on Monday night, for I will know that I am better than you. You and your Partner too.

Oh, now to mention that Jerkass. Ya know, Mr. Hardkore, I really, really do not like you. Just like Peelius you are past your prime. Right now you are a Joke here in ERWF, and I dont eve bother with you in the match. At least at one point I had respect for Peelius, I never have respected you. If you are so fucking "Hardkore" Then why do I have it? Because you couldn't win a Hardcore match against me if barely tried. You WERE the Hardcore Champion, you WERE the intercontinential Champion, and you WERE the Hardcore Champion. It is about the present, my poorly rested friend. Zero IS The European Champion, Rayn IS the Intercontinential Champion, and I AM THE FUCKNG HARDCORE CHAMPION. SO SIT DOWN, SHUT UP AND LEARN YOUR FUCKING PLACE.

On to our next partnership of merryment. The Raper and Inches. Im sorry, but dont these two sound like some fucked up porno movie... My god, if I honestly thought that Hardkore was a disgrace then these 2 are unbearable. I can't belive that Alex let you two fuckwads in this place. You dont diserve to be in this match, either one of you too. I have held 3 belts, Grave Digger is a sick twisted man who is respected without even stepping foot in a godamned ring, Rayn is the Intercontinential Champ, Zero holds the Euopean, and Peelius and Hardkore both have had great careers. But you two sick fucks dont belong here. You dont belong in our leage, you dont belong in this match, and I swear to god, you walk into this ring on Monday... you come 10 fucking feet from this rin on Monday I will tear you into pieces with ever single fiber of my soul. I have respect for you jackoffs at all, so be warned, if I run into you, whether it be back stage or on Monday, if I see you at a street corner you better start running like fuck. I may not be around for much longer, but I can still kick the holy shit out of people you sick fucks are first on my list. PLAY MY MUSIC!!

"Ace of Spades plays once again as Joker throwns his mic into the crowd. He jumps off of the turnbuckle and reaches the mats, a fan starts giving Joker the finger, and Joker just spits on him as he walks bye. Joker Goes into the back to prepare for his "surprise" as the cameras go into a dorment state known as the commercial break.

Starsucks Coffee

Warcrap III

James Bond: Die Another Day (OOC: James Bond rules!)

A bunch of Sony shit

EWRF Fantasy Football

The cameras return from their dark state of sleep known as the commercial break to vie apon the world of Joker. But it is not only Joker... he appears to be surrounded by 3 showdowed figures. Most of the area surrounding him and behind him is clowded in darkness. A sing spotlight shines on Joker he sits in a chair, much like the shadowed others. He stares at the camera, and as it zooms in toward the jester, he begins to speak.

Joker: Hello, friends, once again it is I, your ringmaster to that which is known as the ERWF. I am here with a special segmant that I and Digger helped create, but first I would like to introduce my special guests. On my right, standing at 6' 4", wieghing in at 243, he is 1 time World Heavywieght Champion, 3 time European Champion, 2 time Tag Team Champion, and the only holder of the United States Champion, ladies and gentlemen it is my special honor to have today "The Mecca of Manhood" Peelius!

A single light once again shines but this time on a blond haired Peelius looking somewhat cheery.

Peelius: Joker, it's good to be here, and I just want to wish you and Digger the best in your match on Monday, and with me and HardKore in the ring, you'll need it.

Joker: Thanks for bieng here, man. My next guest on my far left is somewhat new to the ERWF wrestling, but has already gotten a name for himself. Folks, at 6' 2, comming in at 215 pounds, the FORMER Commisioner of the ERWF, Chaz Williams!

One more light flickers on and this time under the spotlight is none other than Chaz Williams.

Chaz Williams: Yo, Jokester. Hey man, thanks for inviting me, but... you never told me why I'm here.. so uh... yea.

Joker: Hey, man, I'll get to that in due time. But first m final guest. He is 6' 6" and 250.. he is half of the future Tag Team Champions... he own buddy on y left... Grave Digger.

A final light shines on the infamous Grave Digger, with a bright brand spanking new shovel.

Grave Digger:Here i am the one and only grave digger standing next to the edge of an oncoming victory, while my opponents stand on the virge of death.

Joker: Hey, dude. Now, here's the point. I give you 3, a topic and we all discuss. It kinda a show... where we talk. A talk show if you will. Because it's a show... and were talking. OK this weeks topic is the Tag Team match of three of the people here. My first wuestion is: What do you think of the match? I personally think it is a good idea, I wouldn't mind mind recapturing the belts, and it is a great group of guys, and overall, I think it will be a great match, Peelius?

Peelius: I think it's great, Mr. HardKore and I have held the belts before, and we will again. I ain't exactly on peachy terms with most of the guys in this match, and trust me, The Mecca of Manhood will rise again.

Joker: Well, I see... Digger?

Digger: I will rise from the shadows of the unknown, to capture the most coveted title for partnership. The more victims involved just means, the more speedbumps that I have to run over to achive my goal.

Joker: I ho-heartedly agree! Chazzy?

Chaz: Yea, I think its cool. I mean bieng the former commisioner, I came up with the damned match. I think that all the guys in the match are great. They work hard, and I think it will be a good match, I look foreward to watching it next monday.

Joker:Well, this sure is going to be an interesting show. This next question is about your team, Peelius. What do you think of your chances in the match?

Peelius: I am sure that both Mr. HardKore and I will win the Tag Team Championship. We have the most experience working together in the ring, and not you, Rayn and Zero, not anyone. We will carve a path of destruction through all of you.

Digger: Be it true that these two hold more expirience in them, and that they both before have held the title of the teams. But these two are pst thier peak, tierd, weak, and stand not a chance when Joker and I step into the ring, with one thing on our inds... the Tag Team belts.

Chaz: Personally I think that they have a good chance. They have held the belts, and they were one of the first Tag Teams in ERWF, they know how the system works and they have just enough exprience to put them up at the top.

Joker: Well, isn't that special? Personally, I would be surprised if you 2 showed up. Knowing who you are going up against, I figure you might just stay in the locker room and watch the match... he he he.. anydealie, onto the next topic: The Chances of Rayn, and Zero in this match. Chazzarific?

Chaz: I have my money on those two. They are fresh, they work great together and they are strong. They have amazing dedication, and thier skill is outstanding. They're gonna walk in, kick some ass, and walk out with those belts. I guarentee it...

Digger: Do remind me to kick his after the show.

Joker: Will do... Peelius.

Peelius: Yea, I'll admit they have skill. But they lack experience. They have yet to lean the interworkings of the ERWF ring. And just like everyone else in this match, they don't stand a chance with the Mecca os Manhood.

Digger: These men think that they are great, they have yet to see you and I in the ring, Joker. They think that these are a shoo in win, well this shovel and I disagree. On Monday night, all talking wll be silenced, the final verdict called, and I will walk away victorious.

Joker: I do belive I have said all that I can about them... but onto on of our last topis.... of course the third team. Reaper and "Inches". Digger, you first...

Digger: These two, are the youth to the ring. They have yet to step in this squared circle ad to speak thier minds. They lack skill, and thier enexperience will come back to haunt them.

Peelius: They dead. Man, they have no chance in this match. Thye shouldn't een come. They should just take thier asses and high tail it out of this arena on Monday night.

Chaz: I don't like them. They are young, enexperienced, and I just don't like them. They are goin out first and they honestly don't got a damned chance.

Joker: Cool, I just can't get over Jacksons name... inches ha ha ha. I'm sorry but this is ridiculous, I have heard some bad names hey mine ain't that peacgey. But that is my name, not my nickname. A nickname is something that is picked and you like, so why the fuck would you want to be nicknamed inches. Seriously, who named you, your ex girlfriend. Damn that is just sad. Seriously it's disrespectful to you, and all of the ERWF. I just get over that... ha ha ha. Anywhatsup out next topic is well, were done... Anything to say folks?

Peelius: Yea, its been fun here, Joker, but this is a warning to you all and all the rest in this fed. I will enter that ring on Monday, and I will walk out... and I will have the belts.

Chaz: Yea, Joker, its been cool. I look foreward commin back and doin this again, man.

Digger: Soon it will be time for my opponents to pay there dues, on wasted lives, careers, and most importantly my time, but for now all of you are on notice... I've dug your graves and now, I'm going to bury you!

Joker: OK, I want to thank my panel, and here are my final words: You may not like me, you may not hate me, but when it is all said, you will not forget me. (OOC, take that Digger!)

The cameras fade to black.


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