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P is for Patrick A is for Accessibility T is for Text A also stands for Audience T also stands for Traffic H is for Home-Page O is for Options M is for Macromedia E is for E-Mail-ME... Which all spells out... PatAtHome!!!

Thank you for visiting Pat-At-Home at Angelfire.

QuickNav has been cancelled due to technical difficulties. In the meantime, I will provide you with the links until I can provide the site with some other cool type of QuickNav.

Free Tips & Hints
Links & Affiliates
My Pics
Message Boards
PatAtHome's B-Day Site



There has been a lot done... And not very much done... First off, until I can find something to replace the QuickNav, I might use shockwave... Until then, there is just a couple of links, I'll make 'em look a little fancy... That and the Message Boards are currently down... Sorry...

Jolly Good Day Folks...



It is now the 1 year anniversary to this site. I have now opened a site where you can see EVERYTHING that has been accomplished on this site in a year.

Check it out HERE. I hope i have yet another successful year!...


I know it's been a month since the last update, but I wanted to log on and update the site because I just recently found out that the QuickNav doesn't work anymore... So... I'm going to cram on how make frmaes and add them in ass soon as I can. So if you're wondering how to access the rest of the pages that are on this site, you're going to have to look for them on this main page... Sorry...

If you're wondering why I haven't updated so long, it's because of school and everything and I'm way ahead in keyboarding class than I'm supposed to be, so I have a lot fo free time.

Good 'ay folks...


I changed the rates for the Web-Design that I provide. It's now $5-10 per page. Click Here for more details.

I also finally put polls all around the site for some feedback. It was pretty fun in the process.

I'm also going to look at every aspect of the website for any mistakes or typos. I'm also going to look at the site from different perspectives (view the page on IE, Netscape, AOL/Compuserve) to see if there is something I could fix.

Nothing major, but I changed the graphic at the bottom for E-Mail purposes.

PLUS... I got a graphic of my business card, you can see it throughout my website, I think it will be a good promo idea.

I also found out that the QuickNav doesn't show up on IE, I'll try to do something about that...

With all this updating I've done, there might not be any for a while.....


I didn't do much today... Just added a GREAT new question submitted by CJ072264... You can check it out at the Free Tips & Hints Section or at the Message Boards. Check it out...


I finally added the Free Tips & Hints... It took me so long because I just wanted to start it out with a lot of Q&A...

Oh ya... I'm also starting a lawn-mowing business that is doing pretty well... I'm going to start a website for that pretty soon...


I'm actually pretty excited about this because this is a major step for this website. Until I get frames, I'll have the QUICKNAV at the top of the screen...


Wow... Talk about being a long time since the last update... There has been so much stuff being done... I'll give you a list right now and the whole enchalada of links in a few days...
  • Well... There's the Message Boards...
  • There's the Free Tips & Hints that's being worked on...
  • There's the Guestbook...
  • Several Polls through-out the entire website are going to be posted...
  • A special Links section that is being worked on...
  • New counters on every part of the website is being worked on...

Yup... A lot... There are more things... But I can't think of them right now... Check back in a few days for ALL the links...


I'm recently posting REFERENCES so you can see what other sites I've worked on in the past! Just CLICK HERE!!!


Now that I've finaly updated my site recently (because I've been working on other projects) I have just posted the information on how to get me to make you a website! All you have to do is CLICK HERE and you'll be on your way to paying a low amount of money for a good website rather than paying a lot of money for just as good of one!



CLICK HERE and if you think you have some pictures that kind of look like me, SEND them to me in the body and I'll add them in the picture page. Sorry, but I don't accept download files.


e-mail me pleaz!

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

Patathome main QAI :  Click to View or Add Text. 

Vote for me!

Sub-Sites to come..... but you can check out for updates.....
