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Descendants of Charles Queen\MacQueen

Fifth Generation

48. Stewart Litle Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen) was born 19 Apr 1822 in Chariott's Fork, Harrison County, West Virginia.

Stewart Litle Queen was a very hard working man, and very industrious, working early and late. He was a fine stone cutter and chimney builder, and a great farmer and grain raiser. He soon paid off the mortgage on the farm, in 1849. He purchased 85 additional acres to his farm, in order to give him a right of way out to the public road, from a Mr. Moody. In 1853 he purchased the old Jacob Radabaugh farm of 135 acres down on the main highway. These three tracts of land all joined and laid in a body, which made him a fine rich farm of 365 acres of land, where he lived and died.

He lived in three counties, while living, Harrison, Lewis and Upshur, and 2 states, Old Virginia and West Virginia, and died on the same farm. He was a very energetic, thorough going man and of great forethought, of farming and road building and engineering.

He graded and built the road from the mouth of Peel Tree Run across a mountain to Johnstown, on Rooting Creek, a distance of about 4 miles, and then from below Johnstown up Rooting Creek and across to Jesse's Run, then from Johnstown across quite a mountain on to Lost Creek, then a road from Hodgeville down Peck's Run to Phillippi and Buckhannon Pike, which are all on the same grades, and with but few changes and are good roads today, 1941.

The Upshur County Road Commission made him road overseer to work out all the roads in Warren District Township in Upshur County, West Virginia.

He bought a large circle sawmill, the first of its kind ever to be installed in West Virginia, from Augusta County, Virginia, and planted it on his farm in 1856. He built himself a two-story house-18 ft. wide and 48 ft. long, with 10-rooms in 1859-on his 365 acre farm on Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.

He built the Mt. Zion U. B. Church on Peck's Run and built four of the first free school houses in West Virginia after the Civil War in 1866-1867.

He was Captain of Company "A" of the 133rd Regiment of the West Virginia Militia for many years, before the Civil War. His Company was armed and pressed into the service of the Union Army till the close of the war. He and his good wife were both fine Christians and were faithful members of their church.

They donated largely to the construction and building of the U.B. Mt. Zion Church on Peck's Run, a U.B. Church at Volga, and to the U. B. Church at Buckhannon, Upshur County, W.Virginia. They gave to the Buckhannon Academy $1200. Their house was always a home for the Ministers.

They were very devoted Christians and daily read God's Holy Book, and prayed with their children around the family altar. They talked to their children and taught them the Ten Commandments of God, and His promised blessings to those that love Him and follow His commandments. Oh, it was a sacred home and will long be remembered by their children and all who knew them. Yes, their influence for good will go down through the ages to come and reach up to Heaven.
SOURCE: Queen Family Book, written by Stephen Post Queen.

Stewart married Anna Post, daughter of Daniel Post and Mary Heavener, on 19 Feb 1848. Anna was born 10 Feb 1828.

They had the following children:

+ 221 M i Stephen Post Queen was born 19 Nov 1848 and died 22 Mar 1947.
+ 222 M ii Jacob Webster Queen was born 9 Nov 1849 and died 22 Dec 1920.
+ 223 F iii Mary Elizabeth Queen was born 8 Nov 1850 and died 6 Mar 1878.
+ 224 M iv Edwin S. Queen was born 18 Nov 1851 and died May 1938.
+ 225 M v Benjamin Strickley Queen was born 22 Mar 1853 and died 1928.
+ 226 M vi Alvin Moxley Queen was born 5 May 1854 and died 24 May 1932.
+ 227 F vii Lydia Jane Queen was born 28 Jul 1855.
+ 228 M viii Daniel Isaiah Queen was born 7 Dec 1857 and died 21 Feb 1939.
+ 229 F ix Christiana Queen was born 21 Sep 1859.
+ 230 M x Charles Nicholas Queen was born 17 Feb 1861.
+ 231 F xi Margaret Sena Queen was born 4 Nov 1862.
+ 232 M xii Benton Albert Queen was born 3 May 1864.
+ 233 M xiii Stewart Harper Queen was born 16 Nov 1865.
+ 234 M xiv Opha Ledrew Queen was born 25 Aug 1869.
+ 235 M xv Okey Lee Queen was born 21 Oct 1871 and died 18 Apr 1961.

49. Armstead Charles Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 8 Mar 1820. He died 21 Sep 1882.

OCCUPATION: Carpenter/Mill-Wright

DATE 1845
PLACE:  Middlefork River, Upshur County, West Virginia

Armstead C. Queen, a son of Charles A. Queen and Miss Charlotte (Jeffers) Bush Queen, was born March 8th, 1820 and died September 21st., 1882. He was a fine carpenter and mill-wright. Around the year of 1845 he located on the Middle Fork River, 15 miles south of Buckhannon and erected a grist mill. As progress increased he added to his mill until he had an up-to-date flour and saw mill. He also added machinery for carding wool into "rools" ready to be spun on a hand wheel, commonly called a Big Wheel. The Post Office , which was established at his mill was first called "Queen's Mill", later it was changed to just "Queen's" and is still the name serving that community.
SOURCE: Queen Family Book, written by Stephen Post Queen.

Armstead married Nancy Starcher on 10 Sep 1840 in Weston, West Virginia. Nancy was born 13 Jan 1819. She died 21 Aug 1900 in Randolph County, West Virginia.

They had the following children:

  236 M i Jacob Jasper Queen was born 30 Aug 1841. He died 18 Aug 1842.
+ 237 F ii Maryett Queen was born 6 Mar 1843 and died 16 Dec 1920.
  238 M iii Albert Queen was born 17 Jan 1845. He died 3 Jan 1862.
+ 239 F iv Susan Queen was born 1 May 1846 and died 21 Oct 1885.
+ 240 F v Lydia Ann Queen was born 28 Feb 1847 and died 30 May 1927.
+ 241 M vi Charles Ellmore Queen was born 12 Mar 1849.
+ 242 F vii Jane Queen was born 27 Sep 1851 and died 13 May 1930.
+ 243 F viii Isabell Queen was born 23 Feb 1857.
+ 244 F ix Matilda Queen was born 4 Jan 1860.
+ 245 M x Granvil Queen was born 1839.

50. Levi H. Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 1824 in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.

PLACE: Union Army, Civil War

Levi H. Queen was a native of Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia. He was a soldier in the Union Army of the Civil War and served with the Upshur Battery with Maj. A. C. Moore of Clarksburg as his Captain. SOURCE: Queen Family Book; written by Stephen Post Queen .

Levi married Nancy Richway on 1848.

They had the following children:

+ 246 M i G. Morgan Queen was born 1 Oct 1849 and died 22 Jul 1919.
+ 247 M ii Jasper Queen
  248 M iii Andrew Queen
  249 M iv Charles Queen
  250 F v Jane Queen
+ 251 F vi Martha Ann Queen was born 11 Apr 1854 and died 19 Apr 1934.
+ 252 F vii Sara Catherine Queen was born 26 Jan 1852 and died 5 Aug 1918.
+ 253 F viii Ella Queen

51. Benton Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 22 May 1844. He died 24 Sep 1933.

PLACE: Union Army, Civil War

It is said that Benton Queen was the man who fired the last shot of the Civil War at Appomattox (C.H.) on the day that General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant. When the war between the states broke out he volunteered at Buckhannon at the age of seventeen on December 2, 1861. His first battle was that of Droop Mountain. Early in his military life he participated in the engagements at Maryland Heights, Smickers Gap, under General Trusette Milroy. Later he served under General Phillip Sheridan. He also served in Co. B, 10th Virginia Infantry, with David C. Morgan as his Commanding Officer. After Captain Morgan was released he served under Captain Columbus Gould. He spent most of his time in the Shenandoah Valley. Later was transferred to around Richmond and made a member of the 24th Army Corps under General Ord. He was detached and made a member of the 24th Corps "Sharp Shooters" with which outfit he remained until the close of the war. He participated in twelve major engagements during the war, and loved to tell of one which is quite interesting, both to history and to the Queen family, which took place on April 9, 1865, at the time he fired the last shot of the American Civil War. Quoting his own story: "We had marched all night long the night before the eventful day and with the coming of dawn we stopped near the town of Appomattox Court House to get breakfast, for we were tired and hungry. Before we had time to prepare anything to eat; however, word was received that General Lee was trying to break through our lines and we were double-timed to the scene of action. Sharpshooters go in front of the line of battle and we were ordered to silence a battery which was located near a house, the residence of a man named Tibb. In making our way through the brush towards the house, two Irishmen of sharpshooters were captured and according to our Company, they had been taken to General Lee, who questioned them about the number of infantrymen drawn up. Not daring to tell him, because they were sharpshooters, and a sharpshooter did not get treated very well, they told Lee that they belonged to the infantry, thus making him believe that the Union Men were near. We kept advancing toward this battery. Arriving at the house, we were so located that we had a good view of the entire outlay, and our commander, Major Cooley, of New York, led us right to the house. He started some of us around the right side of the building and others around the left side. I was on the left side and just as soon as I reached the platform of a well on this side, I spied a "Johnny" making his way through the brush. He was getting away as fast as possible and I might have for I was considered a fair shot at that time. Just after this we received the order ot cease firing and that shot of mine at the "Johnny" was the last one fired in that section which was just over the hill from Appomattox (C.H.) where Lee soon afterwards surrendered. We sat down under a tree to examine a knapsack belonging to a "Johnny" and some Confederate soldiers came over and talked with us until ordered to their Companies for the surrender."

Benton Queen was the last commander of Morris Post No. 50, Grand Army of the Republic, a position which he held for several years. He married immediately after being mustered out and spent all his life in the section of the state in Lewis, Harrison and neighboring counties of West Virginia. During his Army life, he saw three years, nine months and ten days of actual service and during that time he was in the hospital one time for treatment. He cast his first ballot in 1868 when he voted for General Grant for President of the United States. SOURCE: Queen Family Book; written by Stephen Post Queen.

Benton married Josephine Longenette, daughter of John B. Longenette and Mary Ann Thruman, on 16 Nov 1865. Josephine was born 24 Dec 1844. She died 9 Apr 1931.

They had the following children:

  254 M i John Emory Queen was born 19 Oct 1867.
+ 255 M ii Ewey Lilburn Queen was born 19 Oct 1872 and died 11 Sep 1913.
+ 256 M iii Clarence Queen was born 1 Feb 1869.
+ 257 F iv Arty Lissie Virtue Queen was born 12 Sep 1866.
+ 258 F v Mary Eliza Queen was born 27 Jan 1870.
+ 259 F vi Lottie M. Queen was born 3 Mar 1879.
+ 260 F vii Myrtle Bell Queen was born 27 May 1875.
+ 261 F viii Daisy Queen was born 27 Sep 1882.
  262 F ix Minnie Queen was born 7 Aug 1884. She died 24 Sep 1913.

52. Tabitha Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 1819 in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.

Tabitha married James White

They had the following children:

  263 M i Charley White
  264 M ii Gerome White .
  265 F iii Mary Ann White

Mary married Burkhammer Mr.
  266 M iv John White was buried in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.
  267 M v Feadon White was buried in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.

53. Lydia Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 24 May 1829 in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia. was buried in Heter, West Virginia.

Lydia married Asa Greathouse on 27 Feb 1848. Asa was born in Peel Tree Creek, Johnstown, West Virginia.

They had the following children:

+ 268 F i Mary Ellen Greathouse was born 4 Jan 1849 and died 26 Sep 1925.
  269 F ii Mary Jane Greathouse was born 27 May 1851. She died 31 Dec 1861.
+ 270 M iii Marcellus Greathouse was born 13 Jan 1854 and died 14 Jan 1901.
  271 M iv John Wesley Greathouse was born 14 Dec 1856. He died 17 Apr 1876.
+ 272 M v Ira Greathouse was born 27 Apr 1860 and died 17 Mar 1935.
+ 273 M vi Charles A. Greathouse was born 13 Apr 1863 and died 5 Jan 1935.
  274 F vii Sara Elizabeth Greathouse was born 26 Mar 1866 in Peel Tree Creek, Johnstown, West Virginia.

DATE 1868
PLACE:  Braxton Co., W.Virginia


Sara married Charles Everett Mollohon. Charles died 12 Aug 1935.

OCCUPATION: Real Estate agent/Farmer
+ 275 M viii Festus S. Greathouse was born 30 Jun 1869 and died 8 Jul 1936.
+ 276 F ix Minnie Olive Greathouse was born 7 Mar 1875.

54. Sarah Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 26 Jan 1832. She died 5 Aug 1918.

Sarah married James Matheny, son of John Matheny, on 1847.

James was a soldier in the Union Army of the Civil War. He and his wife lived on Peck's Run, Upshur Co., W.Virginia. In 1874 they moved to Walnut Fork, Lewis Co., near Troy, Gilmer Co., W.Virginia.

James and Sarah had the following children:

  277 M i John Elliott Matheny Dr. was born 1846.

John was a soldier in the Union Army.

John married Mary Rexroad .
  278 F ii Lydia Ann Matheny.

Lydia married Daniel Boatwrite
  279 F iii Liza Ellen Matheny

Liza married Harrison Frimore
  280 M iv Charles Matheny

Charles married Ellen Slutter
+ 281 M v Joseph Matheny
  282 F vi Christianna Matheny

Christianna married Mute Keister
  283 F vii Caroline Matheny
  284 F viii Sara Jane Matheny
  285 M ix Marcellus Matheny
Marcellus married Frances Brannon
  286 M x Morgan Matheny

Morgan married Florence Scott
+ 287 M xi Will Matheny was born 22 Aug 1872.
  288 F xii Lillie Matheny
+ 289 M xiii Adam Matheny.
+ 290 F xiv Virginia Matheny was born 16 Oct 1853 and died 8 Jul 1922.

57. Eliza Queen (Charles A. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 28 Dec 1839 in Peck's Run, Upshur County, West Virginia.

Eliza married Cicero Bowyer on 30 Jan 1862 in Peck's Run, West Virginia.

OCCUPATION: Carpenter/Furniture Maker

Cicero was a soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War and was honorably discharged. He then moved to Gilmer Co., W. Virginia. Then he migrated to Parkersburg, W.Virginia where he later died.

Cicero and Eliza had the following children:

+ 291 M i James Benton Bowyer was born 5 Jan 1863.
+ 292 M ii Charles Lenard Bowyer
+ 293 F iii Rebecca Ellen Bowyer was born 28 May 1868.
+ 294 F iv Virginia Ann Bowyer.
  295 F v Docia Elizabeth Bowyer was born 6 Mar 1878.

Docia married Eugene A. Allen .
+ 296 F vi Cora Beatrice Bowyer
  297 M vii Eustas Bowyer

58. Jane Queen (John B. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 1823. She died 1893 in Lewis Co., West Virginia.

Jane married James McPherson Romine, son of Robert Romine and Sarah McPherson, on 4 Feb 1851 in Harrison County, West Virginia. James was born 24 Apr 1822 in Harrison Co., West Virginia. He died 29 Dec 1906 in Lewis Co., West Virginia.

They had the following children:

+ 298 M i William Henry Romine was born 1852 and died 12 Dec 1877.
+ 299 F ii Flora Isabelle Romine was born 10 Sep 1853 and died 10 Oct 1888.
+ 300 M iii Robert F. Romine was born 12 Dec 1854 and died 11 Feb 1942.
+ 301 M iv John B. Romine was born 15 Oct 1856 and died 1920.
+ 302 F v Asenath Jane Romine was born 19 Apr 1860.
+ 303 F vi Mary Elizabeth Romine was born 1863 and died Jan 1903.
  304 M vii Jacob Lorentz Romine was born 7 Aug 1865.

 Twin brother to Lorenzo Dow.
  305 M viii Lorenzo Dow Romine was born 7 Aug 1865.

Twin brother to Jacob Lorentz.

Lorenzo was a soldier in the Spanish-American War in 1898. He saw active duty in the Philippine Islands where he contracted Typhoid Fever. He settled in Portland, Oregon about 1900.
+ 306 M ix James V. Romine.

61. Armstead Stewart Queen (John B. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 27 Mar 1828. He died 13 Nov 1909.

Armstead married Julia Angeline Sims, daughter of William Sims and Margaret Divers, on 31 Mar 1852. Julia was born 15 Sep 1833. She died 18 Nov 1896.

They had the following children:

+ 307 F i Margarett Susan Queen was born 24 Mar 1855 and died 28 Jul 1916.
+ 308 F ii Harriet Jane Queen was born 28 Jun 1857.
+ 309 F iii Robirdie May Queen was born 25 May 1859.
  310 M iv Gilmore Franklin Queen was born 18 Sep 1861.

+ 311 M v Oscar Bruce Queen was born 21 Nov 1864.
  312 M vi John Wesley Queen was born 10 Feb 1866. He died about 1895.

+ 313 F vii Armenta Isabelle Queen was born 4 Aug 1869.
+ 314 F viii Lora Blanche Queen was born 2 Aug 1872.
+ 315 M ix Clarence Everett Queen was born 8 Jun 1874.
  316 F x Lucie Estelle Queen was born 5 Apr 1878.

62. Lydia Ann Queen (John B. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 22 Dec 1830. She died 8 Jun 1896.

Lydia married Jacob Lornenzo Dow Brake, son of Jacob Brake and Rachel Jackson, on 20 Apr 1852. Jacob was born 25 Jun 1826. He died 27 Jan 1891.

They had the following children:

  317 M i Twin sons Brake was born 1860.
  318 F ii Daughter Brake was born 1862.
+ 319 F iii Sophronia E. Brake was born 8 Jan 1853 and died 17 Apr 1910.
+ 320 F iv Julia Ann Brake was born 28 Oct 1853 and died 7 Oct 1930.
+ 321 F v Brenice Brake was born 5 Sep 1856 and died 18 Feb 1938.
+ 322 F vi Mary Jane Brake was born 5 May 1858 and died 17 Dec 1929.

63. John Lytle Queen (John B. Queen , Armstead Queen , Charles Queen , Charles Queen/MacQueen ) was born 8 Jul 1833. He died 2 May 1903.

OCCUPATION: Physician/Farmer

John married Mary Jane Casto, daughter of Isaac Casto and Dorcas Cutright, on 24 Jan 1856. Mary was born 16 Sep 1833. She died Jul 1908.

They had the following children:

  323 F i Virginia C. Queen was born 10 Nov 1856. She died 17 Feb 1863.
  324 F ii Deloris Alton Queen was born 25 Dec 1857. She died 18 Nov 1871.
+ 325 F iii Florid Wilmoth Queen was born 23 May 1859 and died 12 Mar 1922.
+ 326 M iv William Henry Lytle Queen was born 26 Mar 1861 and died 12 Dec 1938.
  327 F v Prascovia Queen was born 27 Feb 1863. She died 21 Mar 1863.
  328 M vi Manley C. Queen was born 25 Jan 1864. He died 25 Jan 1864.
+ 329 M vii Jacob Lorenzo Dow Queen was born 24 Nov 1865.
+ 330 F viii Judia Belle Queen was born 12 Apr 1876.
  331 F ix Cora Maboy Queen was born 3 Oct 1869. She died 15 Dec 1890.
  332 M x Harry D. Queen was born 21 Feb 1874. He died 21 Dec 1878.
  333 M xi Hubert Kent Queen was born 27 Dec 1877. He died 19 Sep 1892.

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