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This is Lily
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This is Lily. she is the youngest member and yet looks the oldest. she is the rudest most outspoken and most honest. lily is also a little prone to injury. one story which all member are acostom to hearing (and telling) is the story of the trolley. one fateful day lily was sat in a shopping troley when Tina and Stag thought it would be a good idea to push the trolley.. and then let it go. this was perhaps not the best idea the pair have ever had and lily fell out and was a little worse for wear but shes ok now.

The two pictures show our good pal Lily, in one she is eating/drinknig a Belini's milkshake. and the other picture shows what her eyes look like.

Lily has a certain fondness for goats. Despite her tender age Lily can drink as much as everyone else and for the most part the effects are quite barrare. A young man named Ronan from the bowling alley can tell you more. Lily is very norty but uses her sneaky ways to free herself from blame

some facts about lily....

hates... denton fear... shopping trolleys intrests... men