My Life as a Teenage Moron
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Topic: My Songwriting & Poetry
Today I realized something... had my ex-girlfriend and I still been going out, the semi would've fallen on our 2-year anniversary. Ironic that I am going stag.
Tonight I've got "Nightmare" rehearsal, and then I'll probably go to bed early. I'd like to drive over there, and hopefully I'll get the chance to. My car rocks out loud. Anyone who'll be there tonight, look for the 11-year-old piece of crap Buick Park Ave that'll pull into the parking lot probably about 15 minutes late, with the plates that have my name on them... That'll be me. Feel free to check out my ride if you so desire, but only for a short time since my dad will get irritated if he has to sit there for any length of time. Too bad I don't have my license. :-(
Okay, so anyway, I think it's high time I re-posted those old lyrics I wrote, but this time with some updates that make it at least a little more complete. Chances are it'll go through quite a few more changes before I actually record it, although once it does get recorded and mastered to my computer, you can bet it'll be downloadable here in MP3 format. That is, I hope so. I have come up with a working title for it, although chances are that title will change. At first glance (and even after close examination) it may seem to make no sense, but there is a hidden meaning behind it... deeply hidden. I just thought that too many of the songs I've written have obvious titles, such as the last line of the chorus, or the most frequently said word, etc. so I decided that it'd be cool to actually have a title that had something to do with the song, yet was not an actual lyric within the song. Although I have a melody in my head (which I can't obviously relate through text), harmonies and instrumental parts would be really cool. The only problem is, the only instruments I can play are the clarinet and bass clarinet, and my brother can play the drums... somewhat. I don't know how to write guitar tabs, so even if I came up with a guitar part and someone to play it, I wouldn't have the slightest idea how to effectively relay the information to them. Plus, I don't really have anyone to do a harmony with, since my friend Kevin and my brother Cory are really the only two people I've ever recorded music with, and they'd probably just sit there laughing throughout the entire thing. (Trust me, Kevin did it when I wrote and tried to record a song a year or so back.) I guess the only alternative is to have a piano accompaniment, although it'd take forever to write out an effective piano part and would involve a lot of plunking out of notes... besides the fact that I don't own any kind of keyboard or piano.
But anyway... here are the lyrics... please post some replies as to what you think... and Shawna, no Aqua Teen Hunger Force quotes this time... lol.
Also, to the person who this is written about, I'm sure by this point you have figured it out. While my feelings have subsided a little, I want you to know that this has been made to sound a lot more dramatic than it is in real life. The death of a fellow Sanbornian had me pretty emotional at the time, not to mention having this "story" on my mind, so... I guess I just don't want this to be taken the wrong way.
Can't look at my problems
Yet it hurts to look away
Wishing this was easier
Wishing things would go my way
Too much shit being thrown at me at one time
Started to write down my feelings one day
Didn't mean to make a rhyme, so
Then I sat down and I wrote this song
Might not be too long
But everything is going wrong
Lost a potential partner
But I'm glad she's still a good friend
I just wish it'd all come to an end
Not the greatest lyricist
I just write what I feel
Not too great with words
But everything I say is real
Not too good with emotions
I display them way too much
But here I am, lost for words again
Writing stream of consciousness
Then I sat down and I wrote this song
Might not be too long
But everything is going wrong
Lost a potential partner
But I'm glad she's still a good friend
I just wish it'd all come to an end
Can't nobody help me?
I need some good advice
I need someone who I can love
Someone who'll treat me right
I can't stand to suffer any more heartache
I'm wonderin' if love is just a big mistake
Can't nobody help me see the light
At the end of the tunnel
At the end of the tunnel
So now I'm just sitting here, singing this song
Hoping that someday, things will stop going wrong
What I need now, is some support from my friends
'Cause I think it's time for this mess to come...
...And that's it. The entire song gets more and more powerful, starting off as a soft ballad and gradually increasing, until the climax, which is basically a slow rock feel: "Can't nobody help me, I need some good advice..." etc. At the lines "At the end of the tunnel," it starts to drop back down to the way it was at the beginning, and eventually drops to a slower tempo at the last three words of the song. The entire third verse (the above-mentioned "climax") was actually taken from the chorus of the song that I was originally writing, but not getting anywhere with. When I realized how well I was doing with this song, I decided to throw it in there since it made sense within the context. The following lines:
"I can't stand to suffer any more heartache
I'm wondering if love is just a big mistake"
were originally written as:
"Heaven please
I'm on my knees"
See why I changed them? With that much power in the song, a corny, 6-word line would have really brought it down, so I quickly changed it once it switched context. Not to mention, looking back on the original lyrics... they kind of sucked anyway. LOL. I guess I was just trying to find some kind of rhyme to fill in that space, and I failed initially. I like the new lines a lot better, and if for whatever reason I reconciled the original song, the new lyrics would probably follow the chorus back in. Let me know what you guys think of it, I really need feedback before I record it and possibly make an idiot out of myself! :-)
PS For those wondering, I do have a Live Journal account, but I never really update it. One of these days I might get around to copying & pasting all 150+ of these entries into one huge thing on LJ, but I don't even know if it's worth it. Anyway my user name is caal1028, and if you have a Friends Only journal on LJ I'd love to see it, just add me to your friends list. ;-)