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23 August, 2003 - Saturday - 6:03 PM

Waii, I'm soooo tired now since I just added loads more stuff to this site like tutorials, reads, joined at least 10 fanlistings and 3 cliques, etc. LoL, I can't help it, I love joining stuff! *looks around* Well, my site seems to be going extremely well for some strange reason, no problems so far and Ame wants to do a link exchange with me! Heehee, yay! I replied to her right away since her site is really great. Hopefully, all things keep getting better from now on. Yesterday, I went to another fashion show with my family, don't mean to brag but we always get invited to this brand's (BENCH) fashion show because my mom's head fashion designer. It's really great since we get exclusive invites and we sit at the front, but sometimes I just want to stay at home and work on my site! Oh well! The show was OK, eveything was just red though because my mom's boss is Chinese and they had Filipino movie stars go as well. Have to go watch a movie now and eat out...well duh coz it's Saturday! LoL! I took lots of quizzies again, just go to the ME section to see them! Ja ne!

21 August, 2003 - Thursday - 1:04 PM

Whew, just came home from my sister's school since she was performing in some Filipino dance (forgot what it's called, LoL!). Her school is like a gazillion miles away and we woke up early, so naturally being the non-morning person that I am...I slept in the car! Oh ya, good news!!! I ordered Hamasaki Ayumi's newest maxi-single, &, a few days ago and it just arrived today! Waii, I'm so happy! It's the first CD I ever bought online, all the way from my fave country too, Japan! ^___^ If you love Jpop, get this album! Hehe, oh and more good news, I got a new affie (Dreamz)! Welcome to her! As for the updates here, I joined a few fanlistings/cliques and put up a form if you want to be an affie. I'm gonna add loads more stuff later! Ja ne!

19 August, 2003 - Tuesday - 9:50 PM

Konbawa minna-san, Sushi Gal here! Welcome to Crystal Butterflyz v.03! Featuring the very talented and beautiful Jpop singer, Goto Maki! As you may know, or didn't know, my blog has been stupidly abandoned by me for some time already because I was too busy to update and maintain it. But now, I've decided to re-open it with a brand new layout! I hope you all like it, this is the first layout I made myself (whew!) since I always used free ones before image skills just plain suck! Hehe! So did my HTML skills, I hope to develop both these skills over time. Not much stuff is up yet, but I'm going to update frequently so watch out for more new stuff! Nothing else to say except I'm dead tired since I spent the whole day working on this Gocchin layout, so I'm off to rest! Ja ne!

Sushi Gal (Arian)...15...
...funny, chatty, hyper, Japan freak....hates homework, bugs, bad hair days...loves pink, sushi, cute stuff, technology...will eat anything sweet...can make people smile/laugh in any situation anywhere...boy crazy 98% of the stlye: funky, Japan inspired and unique...

Feeling: The current mood of at
Eating/drinking: Ice Cream
Song: 'Blow my whistle' - Utada Hikaru
Worth: $1,693,000.00
Plugged in: Dreamzs

Use any of the buttons below to link back to me, but a text link is fine! If you want to donate a button to CB (aww! so nice!), just email it to me and I'm going to give ya credit!
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