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The Forest Of Paths

The soft, cool wind rustles through the treetops. You smell rain on the way. You are tired, and have been walking for a long time. Then, you catch another scent: that of woodsmoke. Finally, you enter a large clearing. On the opposite side is a great, dark cliff, rearing majestically into the storm-threatening sky. You rush across the clearing and into the cave. Four creatures are grouped around a small fire. An ancient-looking man steps forward and smiles kindly at you. "I am Fedorious," he says in a warm, cracked voice. "This is my partner, Shalise." An elderly woman steps forward and also beams at you. Next a large unicorn stallion moves up next to them. He is heavily muscled all over and his hide is satiny black. His long, wavy mane and tail are silver streaked with white. A small beard protrudes from his chin. His horn is clear as crystal. His hooves are solid marble. His eyes twinkle warmly and he says in a low, soft voice, "I am Romulkum, God of the Equines. These humans watch over their own kind, in every world. He points his long, twisted horn at a gray-white wolf who is approaching you, a kind twinkle in her eye. "This is Luua, Goddess of the Wolves," Romulkum explains. "Nice to meet you all!" you say, and then add, "If I may ask, where are we?" Fedorious smiles slightly. "We are in the Forest of Paths. At one time or another in their life, everyone comes here. And everyone must choose a Path that will lead them on to their destiny." Gently, the four of them steer you out of the cave. The rain has stopped and silvery-white clouds are being blown away by a fresh wind. For the first time you notice many worn dirt paths leading off into the woods. But two of them are glowing. You ask Shalise about this, and she smiles mysteriously. "We can't see that they're glowing. Only you can. That means that you have to choose one of them. Go on." Slowly, you walk forward and pause between the paths. You jump when you see that two images are slowly appearing, one above each of the glowing paths. The image above the left path is of a brilliantly bright, pure white unicorn with wings. Its horn is like a spear of starlight, its hooves like prisms. It speaks in a gentle voice, neither male nor female, its dark eyes twinkling with wisdom. "I am Ecaep," it murmurs. "The Guardian of Good, the Beacon of Peace. I watch over the country of Kantainea, where the Good live. I would be honored to have you come and stay there, under my protection." You nod slowly, then turn to the image above the right path. This one is also a white unicorn, but its hide is stained, its mane and tail tangled and its eyes are glassy red. Its wings are like white leather, with some red veins showing here and there. "I am Rawburr," it growls in a somehow tempting voice. "I look over the Evil country of Cazneve. Come to me . . . come to Cazneve . . ." ~*~ Which path will you choose? Which destiny will be yours?

~The Forest Of Paths opened May 14th, 2003~

The Two Paths

Kantainea, Ecaep's Land
Cazneve, Rawburr's Land