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The History of Glass Ceiling
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In the begining...

In September, 1991, Travis Orcutt and Danny Noyes (now known as Danniel Strings) layed the foundation for what is now 'Glass Ceiling'. Using the band name 'MAINSTREAM', the band was consumed by six months of young women in a state of alcohol-induced sexuality, doing things even the band could hardly believe at times. After recording just two singles at David Lange Studios, there was a traditional clashing of egos and a series of band member changes. 'MAINSTREAM' came to an unfortunate early end in the spring of 1992. It would be over ten years later before Travis and Dan would reunite again. This time as 'Glass Ceiling'.

As for the future...

Together again with a reborn focus on making thier dreams come true, these two released thier first CD in February of 2003. This promotional 8-track DEMO EP 'Versatility' (limmited to 100 copies) was the first step to achieving even greater dreams. In the Spring of 2004, pre-production work began on thier new full length self-titled album. Dedicated to the fans and critics alike, this new material will proudly feature some of the greatest music Glass Ceiling has ever written.