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Welcome to Magic Blue.

This site is a place I created to stick all the many wallpapers and banners I have been making!

I wanted to share them with people that might be interested!

So go..... enjoy..... and tell people!

Link to me

Use these buttons to link back here!

Visit a preview of my sister site here!

SUBLIMINAL ORGY PREVIEW!! see what's there!

Visit my Live Journal


For past updates please check the updates section

11th August 2003:


    episode wallpaper - Buffy Vs Dracula  

    couple wallpaper - Spuffy!  

    female wallpaper - Harmony ..... yes you did read correctly, I'm branching out!  Plus with those hot new scans of her flying around I defy anyone to resist!



11th August 2003:


   Some exciting updates today!  Well ok, I don't expect you to be *that* excited, but I am

    I now have a Live Journal - click the above Icon for Joey's Journal to read and leave any comments you like!

    Other Pics section.  You will now find LJ Icons to download for yourselves and you may request Live Journal Icons, either animated or static ones of whoever/whatever you like



11th August 2003:


   Another   episode wallpaper is up!  The Gift - or it will be up as soon as I regain the bandwidth that suddenly disappeared!

    A episode wallpaper is up!  Tabula Rasa

    A episode wallpaper is up!  Hush and it's a little scary!



11th August 2003:


    A episode wallpaper is up!  Once More With Feeling...

    A male wallpaper is up!  Xander - at long last we have a Xander pic!







The pic of the moment was chosen by the gorgeous Lipbalm Addict


Buffy & Faith





You can find this picture in the couples wallpaper section, go see....




I want to thank........

SpikedPeaches and Lipbalm Addict, without their wonderful friendship and corruption I wouldn't have done this, as well as many other things!  You're my girls, and I love ya!

Drake, for much inspiration from those amazing videos she makes, and for the chats and smoochies!

Special thanks to Moll for checking and testing the site and for helping me find my lost pictures! 

My handy fix it lady!  Love ya!

And everyone that has been a great friend over the past few months.

 I've made many amazing friends and will be dedicating a page to you all very soon.


Feel free to contact me JoeyB with any comments or questions

Enjoy the pics! Banners and Wallpapers made to order, no payment only credit where it is due!

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I am in no way affiliated with ME, Warner Bros, Fox, UPN, any of the actors/actresses, writers, directors, nothing - nada!

I do this because I enjoy it and I want to share my enjoyment with my friends! And anyone else who wants a look :o)