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The Vivaxis Connection
Healing Through Earth Energies

by Judy Jacka

Published by : Hampton Roads Publishing

ISBN: 1-57174-208-5
304 pages
7 x 9 inches
Trade Paper

Publisher´s notes:Discovered by Canadian reasercher Fran Nixon in the 1960s, the Vivaxis connection is fundemental to human life and health. It sustains and renews us, and affects every aspect of our lives-it even affects how we digest foods and resist illness.


Many years ago, a researcher named Frances Nixon discovered and studied a phenomenon she named Vivaxis. Vivaxis means "the axis of life" and it refers to our personal energy fields.

Judy Jacka, N.D. studied with Nixon and has continued her research. In The Vivaxis Connection, she describes just how each individual is connected to Earth energies, how the connections can become disturbed, and how they can be restored. She says "one of the main aims of this book is to train you to use your own subtle energy body as the instrument for finding, comparing, assessing, and using energies."

Dr. Jacka emphasizes that Vivaxis is physical, not astral, energy.

She describes how Vivaxis was discovered and its relationship with other Earth energies, such as ley lines. Central to understanding Vivaxis is acknowledgment of the Earth as a living being with its own energy fields. Earth, and human, energy is affected by the other planets as well as the sun and the moon. Dr. Jacka explains how receptors on the human body, many of which lie on the meridians established centuries ago by acupuncturists, receive and process all energy. She also discusses the role of the chakras and related glands.

Negative energies, such as radiation and electromagnetic pollution, can disturb the receptors and energy fields of most people, and Dr. Jacka explains how to protect oneself against them.

Dr. Jacka details the various techniques used for understanding Vivaxis and how to use it. She provides nearly 30 exercises that anyone can do for restoring and enhancing their life energies, stimulating and improving memory, treating some common ailments, and creating environmentally safe places. She also offers hints for travelers and explains how to scan the energy field of others for disturbances.

Every living being has a Vivaxis. The Vivaxis Connection will teach readers how to "reveal [their] energy connections with the planet and solar system. You will also gradually experience a growing awareness of your body energies; you will know how to tell immediately when something in the environment affects you adversely and why; and you will learn simple techniques that will improve your health and energy levels quickly."