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The Romance of the Roses Saga

The Romance of the Roses Saga


This is a story based on Revolutionary Girl Utena. The characters are all from the anime except for Airen, who is my own creation and is based on myself. This takes place after the end of the Black Rose Saga. It has a few similarities with the remainder of the series, but I will not reveal any of the anime or manga conclusions, so consider it a sort of amateur alternate ending. The Utena characters I use have certain similarities with people I know, so parts of my story come from real life. I do use certain aspects of the anime’s symbolism, and for those of you who know how the anime ended, it should be easy to spot what came from the original story. For the rest of you, if you don’t want to spoil the story, it’s better for you not to read it..

Thank you for reading my fanfic.

Rouresu Airen

Part Nine

Airen watched the shadows on the mural, as they clustered together, whispering. She smiled a cold smile. The shadows of three females and three males stood in a circle. They linked arms and put their heads together.

"Did you see? Did you see? The pretty boy in the hall?" asked the first girl.

"I guess he was hiding somewhere close after all," said the boy next to her.

"What was he doing? Playing hide-and-go-seek?" asked the second girl.

"Not unless its normal to hide for a week," said the next boy, shaking his head.

"Isn’t the student council a bit old for those games?" asked the third girl.

"Any game can be a challenge when the rules have been changed," said the last boy, breaking from the circle. Airen watched as the shadows faded, she looked down at her hand, where a locket lay.

"Very true. The rules have been changed."


Anthy sat silently eating her breakfast, watching as Chu Chu helped himself to several unguarded muffins. Utena came to join them, yawning. Anthy looked up at her from under her lashes. Utena, her prince… Why did the sword inside her have to hurt so much? Why did it have to be returned to her body? Her prince, Utena could take away the pain forever… She could be happy. Couldn’t she?


Akio stood next to the little girl. Miki was gone. He’d managed to break free on his own, or so it seemed. He glanced down at the girl.

"You don’t fool me." The girl smiled up at him. He grinned back. A sudden flash blinded him for a moment, but when he could see again, the girl was gone and Airen stood in her place, wearing her black Rose Bride gown.

"I suppose you were the one who helped Miki back?" Akio asked, moving to face her. He slid his hand down her arm, moving his head closer to hers. He lifted her hand, still smiling, to rest against his cheek. She smiled back, her eyes half closed. She moved her hand down his face, when it reached his neck, she gripped his throat tightly. She jerked her hand, throwing him aside, hitting the castle wall. After the dust cleared, he stood, apparently unharmed. Airen smiled at him.

"I am not required to explain myself to anyone, Mr. Ohtori. To you least of all." They had a brief staring match before Akio grinned. Bowing to Airen, he backed into the shadows and was gone. She stood watching the spot he disappeared from. The castle pulsed with light and seemed to hum. She looked up at the highest tower. She didn’t have much time.


Miki lay in Juri’s arms, his head cushioned by her chest. He was happy to be back with her, that he was still alive. Juri was happy to have him back too, but both were very worried.



"I can’t bear to lose you again." Juri sounded upset. Miki looked up at her lovingly.

"I know, and I couldn’t live without you either." She smiled.

"We have to get out. We have to leave, before we get separated again."


"We’ll have to find a way." She smiled wickedly and reached down beneath the covers. Miki twitched and blushed crimson. Juri chuckled. Oh, how she loved this boy.


Touga stood at his window, thinking. Miki appeared at school out of the blue and everything seemed normal. It was deceiving. There was something coming, he could feel it. It felt like the world was out of balance. He stood silently watching the wind rustle the trees. He spotted a figure moving past his house. A very familiar head of red hair. A unique red and black school uniform. He left his room and headed down to the front door. Airen had passed, but he quickly caught up to her. Keeping out of sight, he followed her until she stopped at a small garden. He watched from the shadows as she sat on a stone bench. She was still for several minutes.

"Come and sit with me, Mr. Kiryuu." She didn’t seem her usual mocking self. Touga wasn’t sure what to think.

"Miki appeared back in school. I suppose that was thanks to you." Airen smiled a little, but it was half-hearted.

"Not entirely. He and Ms. Arisugawa had a great deal to do with it."

"I see you aren’t trying to sidetrack me this time. Is there something wrong?"

"Many things, Touga. Its pointless to let you stay in the dark now." Touga stared at her. He couldn’t feel friendly towards this strange girl, she was too much like Akio, but he felt at that moment like she was a lost child. Airen seemed to read this thought from him. "Touga. Do you remember your parents? Your real parents?"

"No. My foster family took me in when I was very young."

"I don’t remember any family, except for my brother. I think he was my brother. We might not have been related at all." She looked past him into the trees. "We were both taken at the same time. My memories of the past are faint and I cannot be sure if he came from the same place."

"Taken?" Airen looked at her hand; Touga looked at it too, confused. He was startled to see her nails flick out from her fingers, forming sharp points.

"In other worlds, there are creatures known to humans as the Fae, or Fairies. Fairies live in a world that lies on a line of power. Some would call it magic, but its more like energy. This line of energy connects several worlds. This school lies on that same line." Touga was quiet as he listened to her. He was surprised when he saw images of what she described. "Fairies are ancient creatures, and are immortal to a point, but they do not reproduce. To keep their numbers from declining, they take human children. When a human child is exposed to the energy long enough, they become Fairies. My brother and I were such children, taken at a young age and raised as the children of Oberon, the king of the Fairies. My brother, however, did not stay long. As payment for a debt of service, one who aided Oberon demanded my brother. I’m not sure where he was taken, but I believe he is in Ohtori Academy." She looked at him strangely.

"You think I’m your brother?"

"I’m not sure. It would seem we have much in common, but I cannot verify it if you were. Oberon refuses to reveal my brother’s whereabouts, so he could be anywhere or anyone. My brother was not in Fae long enough to develop his fairy gifts to their fullest, but we will have to wait. There are more important things to worry about." Touga raised an eyebrow.


"The Fae want to control the line of energy. They plan on taking over Ohtori."

To Be Continued...