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The Romance of the Roses Saga

The Romance of the Roses Saga


This is a story based on Revolutionary Girl Utena. The characters are all from the anime except for Airen, who is my own creation and is based on myself. This takes place after the end of the Black Rose Saga. It has a few similarities with the remainder of the series, but I will not reveal any of the anime or manga conclusions, so consider it a sort of amateur alternate ending. The Utena characters I use have certain similarities with people I know, so parts of my story come from real life. I do use certain aspects of the anime’s symbolism, and for those of you who know how the anime ended, it should be easy to spot what came from the original story. For the rest of you, if you don’t want to spoil the story, it’s better for you not to read it..

Thank you for reading my fanfic.

Rouresu Airen

Part Six

The shadows on the wall were walking in pairs in a park setting. One girl to one boy. The first couple sat on a bench. The second hid behind a tree, making kissing sounds. The third walked along holding hands. The couple on the bench put their heads together.

"Do you know? Do you know? Do you know what I heard?" asked the boy.

"The student council members have all caught a germ!" said the girl, putting her hand up to block the boys face.

"If they’re getting sick, they should go see a doctor," the boy said, holding up a stethoscope.

"They’re doing all right. They’re checking each other," said the girl, pulling the boy to kiss him passionately.

Anthy returned to the room that she and Utena shared feeling confused. She looked up at Utena’s sleeping form. She crept nearer, being careful not to make a sound. Stepping onto the first rung of the bunk ladder, she looked down on Utena’s face. She bent closer, closed her eyes, and kissed her softly.


Airen put her hand on Touga’s chest and leaned close to his face.

"You’re very handsome you know," she breathed, her lips stopped just short of his, "Why did you come to my room?" Touga didn’t answer. He stared into her eyes. He had a faraway look. Airen smiled and moved back against her chair. Touga snapped back to his senses. What was she up to?

"Where did you come from?" His voice sounded dangerous and confused. An odd combination, but Airen could tell he was nervous.

"I come from my home," she answered with a mocking grin. Touga was not amused.

"You’re toying with me."

"Ah Mr. Kiryuu, toying with you? You have come to my home in the dead of night." She tapped on the arm of her chair with her long well manicured nails, "Is it not my right to ask the questions?" Touga did not answer, but his frown deepened. Airen just smiled. Her smile was very unusual, he thought to himself. Much like Akio’s smile. His eye’s widened. Yes, like Akio.


Utena had her hands under the lid, but when it was almost open enough to look inside, she woke up. Sitting up in her bed, she looked about in sleepy confusion. When she finally woke up enough, she cursed to herself. Another dream and she was still in the dark. Who the hell was in the other coffin?


Miki had the most beautiful eyes, and they were so warm when he looked at her. His smile was just for her. He would never break her heart. Between them both, it took very little time to undress. Miki was blushing dark red, but he didn’t look away from Juri. She smiled at his shyness. She closed in on him and moved him to the bed. He let her, too caught up in touching her to care. She lowered him down onto the bed and sat beside him, caressing him and kissing him. He kissed back with the same passion, and roamed her body with his hands. His eyes opened wide as she found a place that was particularly sensative. Juri smiled at his reaction.

Juri woke up with the sun shining in her face. She groaned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. Her dream had been so nice, she didn’t want to wake up from it. Sighing, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Why did that dream have to be so vivid? She would never be able to look at Miki without thinking of… She never finished the thought, because at that moment, she stepped into the shower only to discover it was already occupied. A very damp and very nude Miki smiled at her.

"Good morning, Juri."


Akio was very annoyed. Airen had once again known he would be there, waiting in his car, and she still managed to surprise him. With every passing moment in her company, he was convinced she was not normal. Maybe not even human. He drove past the school and after several minutes, pulled over to the side of the road. Turning off the engine, he took Airen by the arms, and kissed her. After he ended the kiss, she smiled. He turned to open the car door. Suddenly, he was jerked back by his long ponytail, and he felt a blade at his throat. Airen smiled her dark smile.

"I do not fall prey to anyone, Mr. Ohtori." He tried to break free, but was surprised at how strong she was. She held the blade closer to his jugular vein, "Do not interfere with me, Akio," she breathed his name like a lover would, but he did not feel loved. He was afraid for the first time in his life, and he hated it. She released him, but when he spun to enact his revenge, the seat was empty. There was not a soul for miles. He touched his throat where her hands had bruised the skin, and smiled.


Anthy walked to school alone. Utena left early that morning, muttering about dreams. She finished her breakfast alone with Chuchu. Walking toward the school, she saw Miss Oberon ahead of her. Airen looked behind her and seeing Anthy, she stopped until Anthy reached her side.

"Good morning Miss Himemiya." Anthy returned her smile.

"Good morning, Miss Oberon."

"Will you please call me Airen? I was hoping we could be close friends." Airen smiled, but it was a normal smile. Anthy cheered up.

"Of course, Miss… I mean Airen." Airen smiled and for the first time that day, Anthy felt happy.


Miki was in a very good mood when he arrived at his classroom that day. He had his stopwatch out and was cheerfully going over his math homework, which despite certain…distraction, he’d still managed to do. Turning the page of his notebook, a letter fell out. He stiffened. It was a letter from "End of the World"! No, he corrected himself, this had a different seal. The rose was silver, not red. Opening it, he read it. His stopwatch clattered against the desk. He was being challenged to a duel.


Touga leaned against the wall of the greenhouse. His memory of last night was clear, but somehow, he felt as if Airen Oberon had clouded his thoughts. He could not remember getting a single answer from her. He spent three hours in her company and left just as uninformed as he’d arrived. His plan to sneak in and force an explanation from her failed. But he did not leave completely empty handed. He noticed something about her. Something about her was familiar, and last night, he finally realized what it was. She felt like Akio.


To Be Continued...