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"HAIL TO THE STRONG, BEAUTIFUL, SATANIC WITCHES! We are the women men beseech. We are the women that other females loathe. If we see a man that we want, we can get them! If we are in a situation we wish to be out of, we can get out of it. With lesser/greater magic, we have the POWER to control any situation! People want to be around us,they want to hear what we have to say. We need not them(unless we benefit from it in one way or another) be it for manipulation puposes, or true Satanic Love. Our very presence shows strength, independence, and confidence...instead of weakness, dependence, and low self-esteem. Far too many women fall into the latter description, and the only man that likes that kind of woman, are men who want to control their women...(keep them in line)so to say. We cannot be "kept in line!" I'm not speaking about a Dom/Sub sexual relationship, that is something which is gratifying to some women. If it works for you...then do so. When it stops working for you, then get out of it. This also includes getting out of a situation when it no longer works for you. Not letting your Pride get in the way. By all means if the only way out of a corner is to say, "I'm sorry, I messed up!" then do so! Also, one must remember that to underestimate anyone can/will be your own downfall. The main point in magic is to make sure you know exactly what you're doing, and as Satanists, always take responsibility for you actions. As Satanic Witches we are aware of our desires.We know what we want. Men find that very attractive, and other women hate it! Have you noticed growing up as a child, that you didn't get along well with very many females? And has most likely carried on as you've gotten older, hasn't it? Ever wonder why that is? Most of you know why. But for those of you who don''s the "Intimidation Factor" that we as Satanic witches carry around. Our Egos...our Self-confidence, puts fear, jealousy, and intimidation into other women. They are afraid we'll steal their boyfriends, or make fools of them.(I must admit, that's kind of fun to do sometimes) They haven't within themselves the power of Ego, which will only get them stepped on repeatedly. Most are masochistic in nature, and want to be hurt. This is just one of the many things that make us elite. It is most gratifying knowing that just being yourself,(or what you wish to be) has many in fear, or in complete awe of you! Use that to your full advantage! Take control! Create your own destiny! Be your own God! And forever be the beautiful Satanic Witch you are!"