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Jack Kelly
His eyes
Mocking David
“It ain’t lyin’, it’s just improvin’ the truth a little.”
What a gentleman...
Raised eyebrows
Explaining what makes a “good” headline
Really nifty lighting
Dancing in “Santa Fe”
Some more dancing
“Ain’t ya glad you’ve got a dream called Santa Fe?”
“It was a good idea!”
“Who wants Brooklyn?”
“So this real snooty mug says, ‘You can’t see Mistah Pulitzah, nobody sees Mistah Pilitzah’.”
“Real hoity-toity, you know the type.”
Putting on his hat
Looking a touch bored
Wagling fingers at Weasel
And this boy grew up to be John Preston
In a fray
Asleep on the fire escape
Out Sarah’s window
Boxing the Jacobs’ laundry
“Well...does it matter...?”
Milk... It does a body good, doncha know?
Looking a bit psychotic
Grinning evilly
Looking nice
It’s Curley’s One Thing
Finally clean
Forced to face his friends
“I ain’t got nobody tuckin’ me in at night.”
Hearing trouble
“Remember Crutchy!” great battle cry
With stringy bangs
“I don’t hear ya, Joe!”
“We only use the best.”
“Thanks again, Joe.”
“So, how’s the headline today?”

David Jacobs
Looking a touch puzzled
Seize the Day
Playing the sycophantic card
A good shot
“You’re a liar.”
“I do, now.”
Happy to see Jack
“Headlines don’t sell papes, newsies sell papes.”

Les Jacobs
Such a cutie
“Buy me last pape, lady?”
Singing in his sleep
Watching Jack go

Sarah Jacobs
At the rally

Other Newsies
Boots wakes up
Boots grins
Yeah, Bumlets! Spinning on a fan!
Crutchy accidentally snitches on Jack
“Make friends with the rats.”
“A Saturday night with the mayor’s daughter!”
“Makin’ a headline out of a hunch”
Kid Blink is not happy with Jack
Mush is rather upset with Jack, as well
Racetrack rolls his eyes at Jack
Racetrack plays harmonica during “Seize the Day”
Racetrack throws up his hands
“Run away! Run away!”
Snipeshooter (?) in the morning
Snitch (I think) wakes up
Spot Conlon (look at those eyes...)
Spot with a slingshot
Spot looking regal

Esther and Mayer Jacobs
Brian Denton
Denton smiling
Denton with Fraser bangs
Jack’s judge
“Oh, you’re good.” Medda Larkin
“I’m ooooooff to the races again!”
Joe Pulitzer
“Whose press did you use?”
Random Woman Singing in Street
Snyder in the pokey

Multiple Characters
“Hey, bummers, we got work to do.”
“Hey, who ast you?”
“Who says you’re fakin’?”
The Delancey brothers
Jack being a bit impolite
“Dija miss me, Weasel? Dija miss me?”
“That’s heartbreaking.”
Jack, David, and Les hiding from Snyder
David yanking Les away from a prop
“So, that’s what they call a family.”
Jack and David a bit embarrassed
Mush and Crutchy
Les and Boots
“Let ‘im think.”
Crutchy, Mush, and Kid Blink
“No, we’re just a bunch of angry kids with no money.”
“Shut up!”
Jack hugging David
Specs and Bumlets
Jack is humoured at David’s sucking up to Spot
Spot and David have a stare down
A pyramid of little newsies
Bumlets, Snitch, and Racetrack singing their hearts out
Dutchy, David, Jack, Swifty, and Kid Blink singing THEIR hearts out
Jack pulls his pants back up
The newsies
The photo (poor David...)
“A porcelain tub with boilin’ water”
“Havanah cigars that cost a quarter”
David and Kid Blink
“I’m the king of New York!”
Kid Blink, Bumlets, and Racetrack
The Dream Team
The Dream Team has a bit of a tiff
And everyone wins
Medda with the two womanizing newsies
“But I always lands on my feet.”
Oh, there you go. Stand between the crazed guy with the board and his target...
“On the grounds of Brooklyn.”
Naïvety is adorable
David, Jack, and Sarah
“He’s got better things to do.”
Sarah being all lovey dovey
“Nice of Pulitzer to let us use his press.”
Dutchy and Kid Blink distributing the Newsies Banner
Racetrack comforts Les
A whole gob of newsies
“Strike’s over.”
Group hug
That’s Teddy Roosevelt?”
“Try bottle ally or the harbour...”
“Try Central Park, it’s guaranteed...”
“Try any banker, bum, or barber...”
“100 papes.”
“I got family here.”
Happily ever after (or at least until they realize they’re still just newsies)
The finale dance
The second group
The third
The fourth
The fifth

Miscellaneous Nifty Shots
The Brooklyn newsies
The rooftop
Nifty silhouette