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Yule/ Winter Solstice

December 21/22
(Southern Hemisphere-June 21/22)

Yule is the begining of the "circle". It is the time of year when there is the least amount of light and most plant life has been killed from the previous season. This time of year represents the Goddess Mother's ability to bring back life and hope to the earth.

To celebrate this holiday you may honour the Great Mother Goddess and honour her ability to bring life back to the soil and trees. Bringing a bit of evergreen onto your altar is a good way to represent the life that will return in the following seasons. Because these Celtic beliefs were around long before most western religions it is thought that the Christmas tree was derived from the act of bringing an evergreen into the house for Yule.

A chant

The winters cold has killed all
And no life can be seen.
Except one who still stands tall
the everlasting evergreen.

The Sabbats