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Self Harm Infomation

Teqniques to help you along if you feel you want to harm deep breathing call a friend try not be be alone (visit a friend, go shopping, talk on the internet with mates, that helps me!!!my chance to plug! i normally go to TPC;teen problem center, they have experianced teens helping guys like us.... hhtp:// ) listen to music go for a walk write in a diary(i find this really helpful, buy a really nice diary that you enjoy writting in) wear an elastic around wrist and snap it when you have the urge to harm yourself(this one is a good one too, you get the pain and relief, but no tissue damage) hold ice cubes in your hands - the cold causes pain in your hands, but it is not dangerous or harmful (i find it relieves the urge to harm myself for that moment) punching a bed or a pillow (when nothing but a physical outlet for your anger and frustration will work, i normally do this to my partner((punch him that is!)). scratch draw a picture on a thick piece of wood/fruit(melons are best) or use a screw driver and stab it. (this is another physical way to release your emotions without harming yourself.) avoid temptation (i.e. avoiding the area where the razor blades are kept) learn to confront others/making your own feelings known instead of keeping them inside go outside and scream and yell take up a sport (a form of exercise can help you release tension, i find yoga really great) work with paint, clay, play-doo, etc draw a picture of what or who is making you angry instead of harming yourself, try massaging the area you want to harm with massage oils or creams, reminding yourself that you are special and you deserve to treat yourself and your body with love and respect break the object that you use to self-injure as a way to show that you have control over it. write a letter to the person(s) that have hurt you and express how they made you feel. Theses letters do not have to be in perfect form and you do not have to please anyone but yourself. You do not have to give these letters to the people, but it is a great way to release the feelings that you are carrying within. After you write the letters, you can decide then what to do with them. try some sewing, crossstitch, etc. write down all your positive points and why you do not deserve to be hurt write in your journal why you want to hurt yourself and if you have hurt yourself, write down what caused it to happen so in the future you can prevent it from happenings - or find out what your triggers were Play some kind of musical instrument. Even if you don't really know how to play, picking out tunes is a way to concentrate and help get rid of the urge to harm yourself. allow yourself to cry. Getting the tears out can make you feel better. It allows the inside to release, as opposed to self abuse. Picture your "ickies" pouring out as you cry. write down a word best associated with what you are feeling (i.e. horrible, sad, lonely, angry) and continue to write it down, over and over. Sometimes when you do that, the words looks silly etc., and it puts humor or a smile in your life. Scribble on paper. Clutch the pen in your fist. It's a way to diffuse it on to paper. (Get a few sheets so they don't tear.) Take item you are self injurying with and use it against something else. For example, if you are using a razor blade, rip it across a towel. Sometimes seeing what "can" be done to an object can make a person think twice about using it on themselves. Make a list of reasons why you are going to stop cutting. Every time you get the urge, read the list to remind yourself why you shouldn't. Also remember to put on that list that you do not deserve to hurt yourself. You are important and special and you do not deserve to be hurt.