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I'm designing this page because i want my Nana to kow how much i love her. She has always been there when i needed her, and i am so grateful for that. She always has something to say that will cheer me up, and i just wish that she were here with me right now, because i really need to be cheered up.

I just found out a few days ago that she is dying, and that she only has about a year to live. I wanted to take this chance to tell her that i loved her in a way that i could share with the whole world, especially her.

My nana's name is Bernardine Texiera. To me she is one of the most beautiful people I will ever know. If you have someone as important to you as she is to me, be grateful. Remeber to let them know how important they are and how much you love them. Do this, because when they leave this world, there is no second chance for that. I can't imagine a world without her, and i know it will be painful and hard to go on without her, but I also know that I have to. She wouldn't want me not to.

This page will eventually come to resemble everything she loved in life. I will do this beacuse I want to create a memorial, place for my family and myself to go to remember her. It will also serve as a reminder that she is in a place where there is no pain, and that she will continue on safely. I know that she will be happy, because i know that when she goes she will be welcomed into the warm and loving embrace of our Heavenly Father. I also know that she will be able to live as she wants to, eternally amongst her flowers, the butterflies, and humingbirds.

Nana, I love you so much.
