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Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts
Thought for the Day: Friday, 4th July 2003
Click here to see a larger picture. PREPARE TO WIN BIG WITH PLANET PINBALL
by Bernard Fitzwalter

If you are a regular reader of horoscopes you will be familiar with the astro-jargon that creeps in from time to time, such as the so-called 'grand trine'. This is when three planets align to form the corners of an equal-sided triangle in the skies, and it is generally interpreted as being a good thing, providing new opportunities for those it affects.

At the moment the sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn are all loosely grouped in the sign of Cancer, while Mars and Uranus are together in Pisces. These two are water signs, of course, and if another planet were to be in Scorpio, then that would complete the grand trine, with all the water signs filled; on the celestial pinball machine the game board would then light up, the 'extra chance' lights would flash, and we would all be given a bonus ball.

On Tuesday and Wednesday next week that's exactly what happens. The moon moves through Scorpio, making a grand trine between Uranus, Saturn and itself; then just a few minutes later a different grand trine between Uranus, Venus and itself; and so on. During those two days there are four grand trines and six lesser trines in operation, with the moon going ping-ping-ping off all those six planets in turn.

With so many planets involved the range of opportunities is enormous. No matter what it is that we are each struggling with, somewhere in all those trines there is a way out and a way forward, a short cut to the future which will restore our flagging spirits. Just bear two things in mind. Firstly, trines have no compulsion in them, so you don't have to go with what they offer if you don't want to; and secondly, it all happens in two days, so you have to be quick.

In Astronews today, Jonathan gives his prediction on David Beckham.

Many people ask me how their zodiac forecast can possibly be accurate when I am giving precisely the same information to everyone else born within a 30 day period. The answer, of course, is that it can't. A daily zodiac, sun sign forecast can only give you a general picture of what's happening in the sky above your sign. For an in-depth, up close and personal look at what's really going on in your life, you need a full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth. If there's a big issue rising up in your life, if you've got a pressing question, if you are wrestling with a difficult dilemma it can be well worth having your full chart cast for you. Our special instant prediction service provides this facility, in full detail for a fraction of the price you would pay to consult a professional astrologer.

Click here to find out what's in YOUR personal horoscope chart.

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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Preserve the health and diversity of our planet: Friends of the Earth
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