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Sims 2--"Farmer Wants a Wife" Challenge

Season 2: Veronaville

Hello. My name is Captain Chaotica, and I've been a Simmer since the first game came out. Here is my (second) attempt at the Farmer Wants a Wife Challenge by hotchpot.

What I Had at the Time:
--Basegame, Nightlife, Pets, Seasons
--Lots of custom content
--No hacks (except a set of default replacement Pollination Techs)

NOTE: I have a few of my own optional rules, too. Here they are:

--10 points for every Bronze talent badge earned during the contest
--20 for each Silver (30 for Gold, but that's not gonna happen in this time frame).
"Hazard Pay": If any girl gets hit by lightning, turned into a plant, frozen, spontaneously combusts etc. they instantly get 25 points (if they survive!) because big, flashy twists like that bring such darn good ratings! (This is a TV show, after all.)

Clicked the above link? Have at least a vague idea of the rules? Then let's go!


The farmhouse, from the outside. Excuse how small and blurry all these beginning screenshots are; I originally THOUGHT my settings were at "large" and "high quality". But the game had reset everything back to medium (as it did EVERY SINGLE TIME I restarted it) and silly me, I thought maybe the settings would stay where I had last set them.

The back, with the pool, hottub and greenhouse.

An actually pretty shot of the interior first floor, taken after I figured out the in-game screenshotting wasn't working and switched over to Hypersnap.

The oddly-laid-out (for now) second floor. Notice the one bed by itself--that'd be for the farmer, of course. No hanky-panky until AFTER the contest, with the woman who won! Weeellll...not until the final day of competition anyway.

Meet Our Heroes!

(With apologies to bondchick_nett for appropriating her naming scheme...)

The Farmer. Him I didn't roll for his Aspiration; I figured, he's lookin' fer a wahf, of COURSE he's Family. The Lifetime Want goes along with this better than I expected...not only does he want a wife, he REALLY wants a wife. Like, now, if you get my drift.

Vanilla Frost may seem like a sweet homemaker, but she harbours a secret desire to one day become a costumed superhero and save Sim City from evildoers. She is just naturally very domestic (and good at it) and you can't tell here because of the long hairdo I gave her...but she's an elf! Yep. Got pointy ears.

Strawberry Souffle is a firey bombshell, no two ways about it. She knows what she wants and she KNOWS how to get it. No pretense about it, she mainly wants the farmer for his money and house. Oh sure, she'll make him deliriously happy in bed--but that won't stop her from making lots of other guys (and girls) deliriously happy as well.

Peach Cobbler is basically a sweet, old-fashioned country girl from the SimSouth. She grew up around music all her life, and plays accoustic guitar in a local country band. It is her dream that one day they'll become famous around the world.

Cold-blooded and calculating, Mint Truffle is more interested in the power money can get you than the money itself. Ergo, she regards the farmer's money as just another stepping stone towards her real goal--taking over the city. She will be a good wife and is even willing to have kids by him as part of the long as he stays out of her way when it comes to Business.

Espresso Latte is a hyper, bubbly young woman who is into speed punk, raves, staying up all night clubbing, then partying 'til dusk. She almost always seems to be zooming somewhere and almost never sits still. Her fondest hope is that one day she'll have a drink named after her.

Chocolate Silk is pure, melting, sexy--and she knows it. However, unlike Strawberry she's not a conniving bombshell, but instead a surprisingly open, friendly, even somewhat goofy person who randomly gives out hugs and compliments. She comes from a Creole family in SimNewOrleans who have run a soul-food restaurant for generations--her dream is to expand it into a nationwide chain.

Blueberry Strudel is, put simply, a geek. Descended from Frost Giants on her father's side, she is a chatty, wisecracking, pop-culture-referencing chick from SimCalifornia, who is heavily into anime and cosplaying, among other geeky pursuits (video games, science fiction, etc.) She joined this contest more for a lark than anything else...but the farmer's money would allow her to pay off those pesky student loans...


"Day" One:

Everybody first says hello.

Then Peach and Strawberry instantly start playing catch, for some reason...

...while Blueberry, Mint, Espresso and Chocolate all get into the hottub together. Which may seem like "Oh hur hur, four hot gurlz together almost nekkid!" but turned out to be "hot" in the other those four characters' temperature guages went ALL the way into the red before I noticed! Mental note: No outdoor hot-tubs in the summer. Wow.
(Or more accurately, no outdoor hot tubs at all, as The Tale of the Accidentally Snuffed Townie later taught me...)

Then it's time for the inevitable...WATER-BALLOON FIGHT!

And now--enough lollygagging, let's get on with Day One's "challenge":
The Farmer has to talk (the "chat" option) to each girl twice, and then Check her Out. The contestant with the lowest relationship score (from the FARMER'S point of view) at the end of the day leaves! (Before she even has a chance to unpack. Man that's harsh.)

Strawberry is randomly picked to go first (because she was the only one free at that moment--sure, I could regiment things more, but I dun wanna.) Anyway, NOTICE what's one of the first things that came up in the conversation...

Checking her Out. Um, Terrence? Buddy? I know that's a stunning low-cut gown, but her eyes are up HERE. :P (As you can tell, this is from the time period when those four were in the hottub--you can see them talking about...the weather, apparently. "Wow, isn't it hot today?" "Yeah, sure is. I guess that's why they call it 'summer'." "Think we should get out of this 150 degree water, then?" "NAH...")

Apparently he REALLY had "kissing" on the brain, because he brought that up in conversation (and quickly, too), with every...



Then he randomly decides to talk to Espresso, one contestant, about how awesome ANOTHER one is! (Vanilla) Oddly enough, she didn't object. She was just like "Yeah!" ++

In case you're wondering about the background there, Mint is serving (cold--because learning to cook isn't until later) sandwiches to everybody, Blueberry is getting into the fridge anyway when I'm pretty sure I told her not to, and everyone's thinking about Chocolate because she's a Popularity Sim. I don't know what they're thinking about her, just, noticing her in general.

And no, Blueberry is not wearing a clear swimsuit with dark plastic outlines. It's just that the lighter interior part happens to be frighteningly close to her skin-colour. :P

And finally, Blueberry's conversation. Yes, he did talk about lips with her too, I just didn't get a picture of it.

The actual structured part of the day over, (I forgot to take pictures of him Checking Out all the others and whether he had little hearts over his head or not...oops) I then just sort of turned everybody loose and went back to Unofficial Mode for a while.
The second I did, Blueberry decides to tell him a joke on her own...

...and as you can see from his reaction, racked up a few more relationship points! Oh-ho. (cocks an eyebrow at her thoughtfully)

And now, coming to you LIVE, from...several Sim hours ago, it's the Welcoming Committee! Or maybe I just got these pictures out of order and didn't feel like fixing it. :P This redheaded Romulan chick in a Billy Idol t-shirt is Cally (named after the teep chick from "Blake's 7")...

...and the guy is Balin Irvine, from one of my "random interesting background character houses". There was a third, but I apparently didn't get a screenshot of them and forget who it was. Huh.

This is a farm, so the farmer's wife must be able to,! Vanilla is the one I was first able to tear away from other things and get her to start fertilizing that frickin' large greenhouse's worth of dirt.

Then Strawberry joins in. As bondchick_nett noted before me, half the fun of this challenge is seeing society ladies in elegant evening gowns and high heels...spreading manure. :P

Chocolate would like to remind us all that she is very very hot. That is all.

Vanilla then ambushes Terrence with random contgratulations! (While going heartheartheart) In fact, from the speech balloon...what is she saying, exactly, "Congratulations on being so hot?" (laughs)

Note: The score for the day is not tallied right after the conversations and Checking Outs are finished. No. It is tallied at the end of the DAY--that is, when everybody's ready to go to sleep. This means that anything else the girls do on their own that skews the results after the official challenges and before bedtime...IS legal! So yes, this compliment will be counted towards Terrence's relationship score to Vanilla at the end of the well as Blueberry's joke. And if any of them did anything that took the points down, that'd be counted too.

Peach Cobbler hits the chessboard on her own...but look at that expression! Oh dear...

Then Vanilla decides to show off how domestic she is by spontaneously cleaning the counter. Right in front of Terrence. Yeah, you're fooling no-one, honey.

Apparently someone just tried to use the stove...which is why I have that smoke alarm there. Like I said, the learning to cook part is later. So...whose fault was this, anyway?

Ah. That answers that.

This plunges Mint's Aspiration so low that the "psychiatrist" has to show up and hypnotise her into cheering up just enough to function normally (ish) again. Here he's apparently had her regress back through her previous lives...

...WAY back.

Then she falls asleep into an old rotten TV dinner, poor girl. (While Peach washes the dishes.)

And we finally get everyone to go beddy-bye.

...except for Blueberry, apparently. You HAVE a BED! A really fancy, comfortable bed right up there, with the colonial ironwood bedstead and...whatever. Suit yourself.

And the results are in...!