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- Stories
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- Immortals
- Avalon
- History
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- Funny Stuff

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- Digital Bristle
- Aethereality
- Misshapen

- Yuki
- Day Dream Graphics


Step Beyond the Portal...

Welcome! In all people's minds there are fantasies. Some are forgotten once an indiviual reaches adulthood, but others are remembered as the most famous of all liturature. I am ShadowFire and I welcome you to Avalon. The world where my stories take place. Here you will meet many individuals. Trolls, Dwaves, Gnomes, Unicorns, Elves, Dragons, and some creatures of which no story has ever been told. Come and see for yourself. Search the site for information about Avalon, Creatures that reside there, and the characters that my stories revolve around. May what you seek be close at hand.



YES! I've got the story page up and Tor's Bio.


Excellent! The new layout is up and ready. I still need to get some of the links working but that will onlt be a matter of time. I really love this layout! I'm tring to figure out how to get the quizzes to work but hey. I have time!


Well the site is up at last! I've been looking forward to making something like this but my knowledge my HTML limited me to practically nothing. But thankfully I was able to find this layout! I hope that this site will reach my expectations

Credits & Copyrights

Site © ShadowFire.

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