Practical use of herbs, art, nature, candles and creativity to bring magick into everyday life.
Fitch, Walter H.
7 in. x 10 in.
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Practical use of cloves for healing, magick, cooking
Caryophyllus aromaticus
For Magick:
The magickal uses of cloves seem to have always included banishing evil, clearing your head, protection, love, and money. It is said that if you burn cloves as an incense you draw wealth and prosperity, drive away hostile and negative forces, produce positive spiritual vibrations, and purify the area in which they are burned. Using cloves is said to ensure that your magickal intention is realized.
I think the spicy, energetic scent of cloves can't help but uplift our spirits and override negativity. It also rises above everyday smells to remind us of our good intentions. After burning cloves, try throwing a handful into a pot of water and simmer slowly to fill your house with their magick.
For Healing: Clove has been used in many ways to bring relief from many types of pain.
- Toothache, oral hygiene: Dentists use clove oil as an oral anesthetic. They also use it to disinfect root canals.
- Antiseptic Uses:Clove oil is the active ingredient in several mouthwash and a number of over-the-counter toothache pain-relief preparations.
- Infection fighter:Clove kills intestinal parasites and exhibits broad antimicrobial properties against fungi and bacteria supporting its traditional use as a treatment for diarrhea, intestinal worms, and other digestive ailments.
- Digestive aid:Like many culinary spices, clove may help relax the smooth muscle lining of the digestive tract.
I always keep cloves in my medicine cabinet to use as a mild sedative. This tea can help calm jangled nerves, and even help the insomniac.
To make a cup of clove tea:
This tea is pleasant to drink as well as relaxing to the nerves. Take about 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of the buds and simmer them gently in a cup of water for about 10 minutes in a covered pot. Simmer a little longer if you need it stronger, but be careful, it can make your tongue numb! The cover on the pot is to keep the oils from evaporating. The buds are so potent you can strain them and use the same cloves again! You can also add honey and milk if you think the tea tastes too strong.
Be sure and check with your physician before trying any remedy if you have health problems or are using any medications.
Cooking: My first thought when considering cooking with cloves is the image of a ham with cloves stuck in it. Ground cloves are widely used to spice cookies and cakes, and are an important part of the foods of India. Since we are approaching Yule and all the festivities I thought a good mulled wine recipe using cloves would be a great way to use the magic of clove.
Mulled Wine
- 2 bottles red wine (Cabernet Sauvignon is great)
- 1 orange stuck with cloves
- 2 oranges sliced
- 2 lemons sliced
- 6 Tbsp. granulated sugar or honey
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 2 tsp. fresh grated ginger or ground ginger
- 2 Tbsp. fruit liqueur, (i.e. Cointreau, cherry brandy, grand marnier) optional.
Put all the ingredients in a saucepan with 21/2 pints water then heat to simmering point, stirring until all the sugar has dissolved. Keep it barely at simmering point for at least 20 minutes – but do not boil or all the alcohol will evaporate.
The great thing about mulled wine is that you can keep adding to it. If unexpected guests arrive and you've no wine left, simply add some more water and fruit. Use the recipe as a basic guideline, adjusting the quantities of wine if you want it stronger and adding more sugar or honey if you like it sweeter.
For Fun Many people already know about the legendary "Pommander Ball" but I'm going to include it here just in case there are those who have never had the experience.
It is simply an orange stuck completely with cloves and allowed to sit in a bowl to perfume the room with the aormatic clove-orange scent. This is an easy thing to do with kids or just to have something fast and festive for yourself. Make a whole bowl! The scent will always remind you of the time of year you do it.
History Cloves are native to the Molucca Islands, now a part of Indonesia. Cloves have been used for thousands of years. One of the earliest references to them says that the Chinese, in order to approach the emperor, had to have a few Cloves in their mouths to sweeten the breath.
Cloves were once very costly and played an important part in world history. Wars were fought in Europe and with native islanders to secure rights to the profitable Clove business.
Natives in the Molucca Islands planted a Clove tree for each child born. They believed that the fate of the tree was linked to the fate of that child. In 1816, the Dutch set a fire to destroy Clove trees and raise prices. The natives revolted in a bloody battle, which changed the climate and politics of the area forever.