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The Digimon © Characters

I could not find the one pic I wanted to use for this page so, unfortunately, there are many pics. This may take quite a while to load up. I hope you don't mind. The descriptions will be read from left to right disregarding a characters importance to the story. (Some of these are not major characters in my fanfiction but they may be mentioned once or twice, so I have the whole list here.) I have shrunken the pictures for your benefit.

The Digidestined

Yamato “Matt” Ishihida
A Digidestined of Friendship. Matt is cool, kinda shady—a lone wolf in his younger days, but now knows he is surrounded by friends who love him. He plays guitar and sings in a band called The Teenage Wolves; he can also play the harmonica. His best friend is Tai and T.K. and his girlfriend is Sora. His Digimon is Gabumon. He makes a small appearance in Chapter 3: A Trip on a Train of Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Takeru “T.K.” Takashi
A Digidestined of Hope. T.K. is Matt’s half-brother and was once the baby of the group. Now he’s very responsible and mature but he still fights a lot with Davis over Kari. His best friends are Kari and Cody. His Digimon is Patamon. He is a major character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Hikari “Kari” Yagami/Kamiya
A Digidestined of Light. Kari is Tai’s younger sister. She’s very frail, prone to sickness but she doesn’t take lip from anyone. She likes to use her hold over Davis to get him to do what she wants but she isn’t too abusive. Her best friends are Tai and T.K. Her Digimon is Gatomon. She is a major character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Taichi “Tai” Yagami/Kamiya (in back)
A Digidestined of Courage. Tai is headstrong but understanding. He loves his little sister and can be a little over-protective of her. He used to be the leader but has long since passed his goggles (the signature of a Digidestined leader) on to Davis. His best friends are Sora, Kari and Matt. His Digimon is Agumon. Tai is mentioned in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Iori “Cody” Hida
A Digidestined of Knowledge and Reliability. Cody is the youngest Digidestined as well as the most physically fit of them all. He practices Kendo (a kind of oriental fencing with wooden poles) with his Grandfather and is raised by his mother, his father having died when he was younger. Cody is young but he is probably the most insightful of all the Digidestined. His best friends are T.K, Yolei and Izzy. His Digimon is Armadillomon. He makes an appearance in the first three chapter of Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Miyako “Yolei” Inoue
A Digidestined of Love and Purity/Sincerity. Yolei is hard-willed, spoiled and easily excited. She tends to get crushes on cute guys, like Ken, and wishes with all her heart that she was more pretty, like Mimi. She also tends to slap anyone who gets on her nerves or falls out of their senses. Her best friends are Kari, Cody, Mimi and Izzy. Her Digimon is Hawkmon. She is a major character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Ken Ichijouji
A Digidestined of Kindness. Ken is a special Digidestined—he was a Digidestined apart from the others and is the only known Digidestined of Kindness. When he was traveling he fell over into the darkness and became the evil Digimon Emperor—an absolute genius, all-star athlete and pretty-boy in the Real World, a megalomaniac bent on world domination in the Digital World. He lost a brother when he was younger and was later able to use his brother’s forgiveness to overcome the darkness. He then joined up with the other Digidestined but not until after a lot of mind-games with Cody, Yolei and the Digimon. As Digimon Emperor her did not have any friends, but now his best friends are Davis and Izzy. His Digimon is Wormmon. Ken is the main character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Daisuke “Davis” Motomiya
A Digidestined of Courage and Friendship. Davis is the new goggle-boy and leader of the Digidestined (note the goggles on his head.). He’s bull-headed and clumsy, but mostly he’s cheerful and carefree. He isn’t afraid of anything but that can lead to trouble. His rival for Kari’s affection is T.K. Davis considers everyone to be his best friend. His Digimon is Veemon. Davis is a major character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.

The Digimon

Armadillomon is Cody’s Digimon. He’s a little lazy and talks with a deep southern-USA accent. His favorite thing to do is eat and sleep. He is not a bit character in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage, but his pre-evolved form, Upamon, is mentioned in the first two chapters.
Hawkmon is Yolei’s Digimon. He’s a very cool, calm and collected Digimon. Hawkmon would enjoy nothing more than to see Yolei safe and happy. His pre-evolved form is Poromon. He has a minor part in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Wormmon is Ken’s Digimon. He’s very submissive and talks with a nasally kind of voice. Wormmon, when Ken was Digimon Emperor, was treated like a servant but when Ken becomes his old, kind self Wormmon is once again valued. His pre-evolved form is Minomon. He has a minor part in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Veemon is Davis’ Digimon. He’s goofy and a little obnoxious. Veemon’s favorite hobbies are to eat, watch Davis play sports, eat, save the Digital World, and eat. His pre-evolved form is Demiveemon. He has a minor role in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Gatomon is Kari’s Digimon. She’s sassy and tough. Gatomon was once tortured and brainwashed by the enemy but came to her senses when she met Kari. Now, she wouldn’t let anyone dare touch her partner. Gatomon has a minor role in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.
Patamon is T.K’s Digimon. Patamon, though he looks nothing like a bird, can fly using his large, brown ears. He’s got a sweet disposition and T.K. loves him very much. Patamon was once destroyed by an evil Digimon named Devimon but came back as a Digi-egg to be reborn. Patamon plays a minor role in Year 1: The Last of the Lineage.