Welcome to the new look of "The Undead Zone". What you find here will be a lot of the same stuff, but also a lot of new stuff. It has been a long time since I have updated or added anything new. This is due to my having finished school last fall. I received my B.A. in English from the University of Michigan - Flint. I also got married on July 2nd, 2005. The planning of which took up a lot of my time. Now that it is over I have some free time again. You will be seeing some changes around here.
I am adding some new pages, so I thought that I would create a main page that wasn't just zombie related. I have been running a Buffy game for about six months or so and am devoting a page to it. This I believe warrants me to completely change my website.
On this website you will find gaming information and resources concerning Eden Studios games. Mainly "All Flesh Must be Eaten" and "Buffy: The Vampire Slayer", but other game info may follow depending on what I feel like.
I have broad interests, so you may find other pages that pop up every once and a while. There is a page with information about me and a few other things.
So sit back and relax and take a look around. You should be able to find all the same old stuff and take a gander at the new stuff as well.
This site is still under construction. Things may not work as planned, or look as planned, because I don't know what I'm doing, but I'll figure it out. Please be patient as I work on updating this site. Site back and enjoy watching me struggle with the coding and junk. It's making my head spin.
Here is a shopping list I created in Excel: Shopping List