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Aimée's simple yet effective homepage

Welcome to my simple little webpage. I will update this as often as I can (Don't expect a lot, but we may all be surprised). Here is a little about my family, my life, my favorite things (don't have time to dwell on things that I don't like) and me. Thanks for visiting!!

My Favorite Web Sites

Harry Potter Weblog -- Magical fun!! : Fabulous On-line knitting magazine
Enchanted Learning: Wonderful things to do with your kids, or for them to do, even if you're not home-schooling.
FGC Homepage (Quakers): Friends General Conference, and a nice place to learn about Quakers, if you're interested.
Aimee's projects: Pictures of things I haven't yet found a home for: namely my lovely family, and textile projects

My Favorite things to do (not necessarily in this order)
