I trust your intuition/guidance to lead you to a healer that is best for you at this time. I specialize in alternative approaches, non traditional therapies, unusual events. We can meet in Portland, OR or at a location of your choice. I can arrange trips in the US or abroad. All events are part structured & part intuition/ free time. Some evening hours are available. A little bit about me My waking up process began in 1977 when I took Commitment Seminars and began to see the need for change. I have been studying New Age and metaphysical for the last 26 years, and have been familiar with pagan and Wiccan directions since 1992. I studied with Sara Schurr's channeled entities Aranya, Harmony, Melody, Symphony, Hon Sone Lee, Symbala and Ramana from 1993 to '97. I have been studying in the Pleiadian workbooks by Amorah Quan Yin since November 2002. I have been working with massage since 1996. I learned and participated in co-counseling in 1983. I went through extensive counseling with two different counselors in 1995 and 96. I continue ongoing counseling for self improvement and release work. In 2001 I took Holistic Peer Counseling courses with Teri Ciacchi and participated in counseling. Recently I am studying w/ Susan Cerf in the Dive deep energy trainings. I have had little formal training, most of my learning has been experiential. Please contact me by email: or By Phone: 541-517-3606 Rates and expenses are discussed when we contact. During most of this winter Portland, ORegon, USA Ph. no. 541-517-3606 When calling any location, if you can not contact me directly please leave a message. Let Your Heart Soar! I support you in your choices. Please come back again! Brad Campbell
Interesting links!
Planetary Activation Org- excellent & loving
The Disclosure Project-gorvernmet activities reverese engineering High technology witnesses
The Burning Man-Temp city w/ harmony
Ananova- check out quirkies
Rich Dad- best wealth focus I've seen, Heart Centered
Pleiadian Lightwork- Amorah Quan Yin
Personology w/ Bill Whiteside
Witches Voice- Huge pagan resource
64 Keys of Enoch - Book of Knowledge
Drunvalo Melchizedek- Sacred Geometry, Merkaba