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A Daddy Dom is the most tender of all Dominants.He loves his lil' girl with a passion that surpasses any passion in the lifestyle of Dom/submissive. At all times Daddy will have His lil' girl's best interest at heart...even if it is against His own personal desires. It is one sacrifice Daddy will make if He needs to because nothing means more to Him then His baby girl. In no way does that mean she's going to have everything her little heart desires....yes, Daddy loves her but Daddy knows what is best for His lil' one.

There are times when He will punish her, just as any Dom in this lifestyle will have to do. Do not think for one moment that punishing His lil' one does not hurt Him, sometimes it hurts Him more than it does her.

To His baby girl He is a Mentor, a Teacher, a Guide and her Lover. He offers her unconditional love and acceptance....He is very steadfast at all times and does not allow Himself to falter on any decision, this is because He wants her to know at all times what to expect from Him. Because of His actions she knows she can depend on Him.

There is nothing in this world Daddy would rather do then hold His baby girl in His arms and close to His heart at all times...but He knows this isn't possible, so He has to turn her out in to the world to do every day things which are also a part of her life. But He knows full well that when His precious lil' one has a problem she will without a doubt run to the safety of His arms and He will be right there to comfort her and help her through it. No matter how silly or childish He may think her problem is, He will take it seriously because He knows it is very REAL to her. To her, He is her Knight in Shining Armor....why? Because Daddy takes all the hurt away.

Daddy hears everything about His lil' girl from her hopes, desires and even her "dirty little secrets." It doesn't matter what she tells Daddy because she knows He loves her no matter what.

When she is frightened He will hold her and run all the demons away...when she feels "ugly" He'll tell her over and over why she's beautiful...she is His main reason for living, His pride and joy....and it goes without saying, He is the only one for her...He is her Daddy."

There are those that think being a Daddy Dom is role playing...let me assure Y/you that it is NOT! Being a Daddy Dom is something One feels inside and it isn't something to be taken lightly....Daddy isn't Daddy just when the mood hits Him, it's a full time job and it comes deep from His heart and soul. Daddy Doms are a very special breed of Dominant males. Just try playing the "role" of a Daddy Dom if you're not really one and the lil' girl You try it on will find you out in an instance, because every little girl that has ever had a Daddy knows what Daddy is all about and that is,'He's there for her always, to nurture, to love unconditionally, punish when needed and He is without question the most loyal of all Doms.'

This page is dedicated to all the Daddy Doms and their lil' girls of this world. If Y/you would like Y/your names added to this page just let me know and i will gladly add them, my online name is marlie_

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Daddy's Home by Shep and The Limelites