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I lifted your photo from the desk
to look into the deep pools of your eyes.
My soul dove out of me and went straight on through.
Now, my heart reaches out for you in every way.
Pulsing like a beacon on the shore,
shining light out to the far reaches of the sea,
seeking the wanton maiden,
to hear the siren's lusty call,
in search of your heart,
your soul, and a hint of your smile.
All the while the mind is racing, pacing,
Wondering, pondering, contemplating
how is she doing?
what is she doing?
who is she doing it with?
is she lonely?
lusting like I am?
Would she consume me whole,
if she had the chance...
Simply by gazing at me with those soulful eyes?
.................BY:Landen Michaels

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Principles Of Lust by Enigma