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A girl can remember when she would look into Your eyes for direction and how it would make her feel when Your eyes would dance over something she had done to make You proud...but not now...instead she has found that there are no answers, no delight in those eyes she used to love to gaze into... her own eyes are now replaced with tears that slide softly down her cheeks...You now look at me with a confusion that i don't understand...Where it hurts is deep inside, i no longer know which path to take, i am lost, confused and withdrawing, too afraid to love again, too afraid to trust again...full of doubt and everything around me so hard to see. You were my world, my life, my Teacher, my Light and with one uncaring glance You took it all away.... You shattered my dreams, took away my hopes and left me with these silent walls and words that hurt. An empty space, an unfilled hole, a pierced heart, a shattered soul.
If only she knew that she would be ok...if only she knew her journey is not over nor is it the end. But she doesn't know because she can not see past the tears, past the hurt of a broken submissive heart, too eager to love, to eager to trust and now too shattered to find the truth.

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