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while there are no cures for color blindness, there are many possibilities to help control the annoyance of this disease. one possible treatment for color blindness is to use specialized glasses that alter the colors that you to see to the colors you should see. For more information on the company who made these glasses, go here. While these glasses are for people who have Deuteranamolous, Protanamolous, or Tritanamolous, people with Achromatopsia also can control the annoyance. Patients can control glare caused by Achromatopsia by wearing wraparound sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat. Also, an eye doctor can prescribe tinted contact lenses that reduce glare and let patients see more clearly. There are also many other things that doctors can do to reduce symptoms. One, is to use color filters. The idea of using filters as an aid was first proposed in 1837 by Seebeck. Some red-orange filters make it easier to interpret colors or actually to better see contrasts. Red filters absorb short and medium wavelengths of the spectrum, leaving only the longer ones. Another way to control symptoms is to use what is called the X-Chrom lens. The X-chrom lens is a red contact lens worn on the non-dominant eye of color deficient people and which helps some to better interpret colors or contrasts. The X-Chrom lens has proved to help patients with the ishihara test (see self test), but has made it either harder for the patient to take other tests or the test results remain the same as without the lens. Therefore, the X-Chrom lens may help the patient with everyday hobbies but should not be used thinking they are not color deficient.