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Mary's Dolphin Page

Dolphin Pictures
My Favorite Links

Last updated 9/15/03.

Due to the fact that I am in college, there are going to be long spans of time where I won't be able to update. However, I am feeling somewhat motivated to work on my page again and possibly move it. I'll let you know what is going on as soon as I know! Please feel free to look at the things I have. Thanks for visiting and enjoy your time here.

Hello and welcome to my dolphin, whale, and porpoise pages. I hope that you enjoy my site and learn a little bit or a lot about these wonderful animals. I will occasionally add more things to my site, but I have become very busy lately. But still continue coming back to see if there are any changes. While you are here please sign the guestbook. I have a lot of wonderful pictures for everyone to enjoy and I even have some real dolphin sounds. They are on the spotted dolphin page. Also there is a poll about your favorite dolphin and a message board where you can leave questions which I will try and answer. Check it out because I will post some things in there too. If you need to or would like to email me, just click on the dolphin email button below! Thanks for coming to my page and enjoy your visit! -Mary