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Don't Pity Me
By, Joanne Green

Don't pity me
because my child was not born
"perfect", for in his imperfection I have
learned to see beauty that is deeper
than the flesh.

Don't pity me
because my child and I have faced challenges 
that have served to forge
a bond much deeper than love.

Don't pity me,
because you could not have done this,
for I thought that too once,
before I learned that through love you can do
a great many things you once couldn't do.

Don't pity me,
my child is the greatest blessing to ever touch my life
I am rich to have him, and richer still for 
the experience of knowing him.
And if you are truly my friend,
then you will understand.

And please,
Don't Pity Me.

I would like to use this page to tell you a little bit about Matthew's birth "difference". Please keep in mind that we are not in any medical profession and this is just to let you know what we have learned. 

We have now been told that Matthew is our little miracle. And that his differences were caused by amniotic banding syndrome. What this means is that early in my pregnancy his amniotic sac ruptured. Somehow it manages to heal itself, but a tiny fiber rested on his face and affected the right hand side of his face. Apparently, this happens more often than we think and the babies are miscarried. That is why he is our miracle. He managed to beat the odds and hang in there. God has serious plans for him, I am sure.

We are thrilled that he his lip and palate were not also cleft. To learn more about cleft lips and palate please visit Wide Smiles

Matthew's right eye was also affected and he was born with a cataract. The left eye is rather near sighted but otherwise healthy. When Matthew was one month old the cataract was removed. Unfortunatley, after a year of wearing a contact lens in the right eye and patching the left, he is blind in his right eye. You would never know it though by the way he acts.

Matthew was being treated by Dr. Earl Palmer at the Casey Eye Institute in Portland, OR. He is a wonderful doctor and I would highly recommend him to anyone. Currently he goes to the Cleveland Clinic, but if you live in the Portland area recommend Dr Palmer. 

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