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Hi. My name is Rebekah Leah Williams, and this is my site. I was born December 11, 1975 in Portland, OR, to Dan and Cathy Benson.

Bekki - 3 months old

Bekki - 3 months old

I have an older sister, Aimee. We lived in Portland until I was 2 and 1/2. At that point we moved to Klamath Falls, OR. My dad is an ophthalmologist and he started his practice here. I grew up in a nice neighborhood with lots of friends until I was 13.

Bekki, Aimee, Cathy, and Dan on a cruise

Bekki, Aimee, Cathy, and Dan on a cruise

By the time I was 13 my parents had gotten divorced and my dad was remarried. This was a marriage that also would not last. My mom then remarried and transplanted myself and her in Sunnyside, WA. This was pretty hard on me but I survived. The hardest part was being away from my sister. She was a senior in high school so stayed behind with a friend to finish school where she had been all her life. But with the new marriage came a step brother, Travis. We had a wonderful relationship and that was the best thing about the move. It was also in Sunnyside that I met my hubby Matt.

Well I had a hard time to say the least in Sunnyside and I ended up switching schools frequently throughout high school. This was good in the end because Matt actually went to school in Grandview, a town five miles away. That is the school I eventually ended up at and graduated from in 1994.

By my senior year though, my mom's marriage had also broken up and she moved to Ohio to be with her new love Dave. Actually he wasn't new at all, they were high school sweethearts. I got to stay behind like my sister had done a few years before. Only I got to stay with Matt's family!

My sister had gone on to college where she is to this day! She is a pharmacology student and will graduate in 2001. She is very tired of school, so this is a nice thing to have in sight. She is married to a wonderful man named Joey. She is officially Aimee Jove now.

My dad is also remarried to Michele. He continues to reside in Klamath Falls where his practice is going strong. Please visit his web site ( Daniel O. Benson M.D., Ophthalmologist).

Matt and I have since gotten married and reside in Euclid, Ohio. Matt works at the Olive Garden and I am a stay at home mom. My life couldn't be any better. I love it and all the people in it!!

When I'm an old lady

when I'm an old lady, I'll live with my son,
and make his life happy and filled with such fun,
I want to pay back all the joy he's provided,
returning each deed. Oh, he'll be so excited
...when I'm and old lady and live with my son

I'll write on the wall with red, white, and blue;
and bounce on the furniture wearing my shoes.
I'll drink from the carton and then leave it out.
I'll stuff all the toilets and oh, will he shout!
....when I'm an old lady and live with my son.

When he's on the phone and just out of reach,
I'll get into things like sugar and bleach.
Oh, hell snap his fingers and then shake his head,
and when he is done I'll hide under the bed.
....when I'm an old lady and live with my son.

When my son's wife cooks dinner and calls me to meals,
I'll not eat my green beans or salads congealed.
I'll gag on my okra, spill milk on the table,
and when she gets angry, run fast as I'm able.
.....when I'm an old lady and live with my son.

I'll sit close to the TV, thru channels I'll click,
I'll cross both my eyes to see if they stick,
I'll take off my socks and throw one away,
and play in the mud until the end of the day.
....when I'm an old lady and live with my son.

And later, in bed, I'll lay back and sigh,
and thank God in prayer and then close my eyes;
and my son will look down with a smile slowly creeping,
and say with a groan," she's so sweet when she's sleeping."
....when I'm an old lady and live with my son.

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