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Scott Hall Stats

265 lbs.
Hometown: Miami, FL
Pro Debut: 1984
Birthday: October 20, 1959
Past Gimmicks: Starship Coyote, "Cowboy" Scott Hall, The Diamond Studd, Razor Ramon
Finisher: Outsider's Edge, Fallaway Slam, Chokeslam
Titles: AWA World Tag Team Title, WWF Intercontinental Title (4 Times), WCW World Tag Team Title (4 Times), WCW United States Title, WCW World TV Title

Scott Oliver Hall Biography

The man, the myth, the legend. Scott Hall, the founder of the nWo and greatest WWF Intercontinental Champion of all-time, is one of the best wrestlers in the world today. Scott graduated from the College of William and Mary, hoping to use his degree in Pre-Med to become a doctor after his wrestling career is over. Scott’s started wrestling overseas, having wrestled in Germany, Japan, and Puerto Rico. His first appearences in the US were in smaller federations like Florida Championship Wrestling, where he first met Dusty Rhodes. In 1984, Hall made his US wrestling debut in a tag match with Marty Jannetty. While in Florida and other smaller federations he was part of a tag team known as the Coyotes, with Scott being dubbed as Starship Coyote. Not much success, but at least a start. In 1985, Scott had a short stint in the NWA as Coyote, but then he moved on to the American Wrestling Alliance sometime later in the year. There he was known as “Big” Scott Hall and was tag team partners with Curt Hennig. The duo won the tag straps January 18, 1986 when they defeated Jim Garvin and Steve Regal after Scott unsuccessfully went after Rick Martel’s AWA Title. They held on to the belts for five months, losing them May 17 to Buddy Rose and Doug Somers. Hall moved on to singles competition in the AWA and gained a good reputation when he donated his winnings from a battle royal to a Minnesota charity. He started being managed by Diamond Dallas Page, and went after some of the AWA’s top competition, including Stan Hansen and Larry Zbyszko. However, he was never able to come away with the gold. In 1991, he wrestled in the CWA as Texas Scott before getting his first big break as a wrestler. Scott got his first chance at national exposure as the Diamond Studd in WCW under the managerial guidence of Page and the rest of his stable, Vinnie Vegas and Scotty Flamingo. His first big match was June 12, 1991 at Clash of the Champions XV, where he beat Tommy Rich. He also competed in an 8-man “Chamber of Horrors” match at Halloween Havoc ‘91. He teamed with Big Van Vader, Cactus Jack, and Abdullah the Butcher. They lost to Sting, El Gigante, and the Steiner Brothers when the Butcher was placed in the electric chair. His first WCW stay pretty much amounted to nothing, but he developed the Diamond Death Drop, now the Outsider Edge. He then moved to the WWF and wrestled as Razor Ramon. He made his first pay per view appearence with none other than Ric Flair at the 1992 Survivor Series. In the match, the team faced Razor’s former partner, Curt Hennig, and the Macho Man Randy Savage. Razor and Ric ended up losing the match by DQ. Razor’s impact was instant, as he got a WWF Championship shot at the 1993 Royal Rumble, but lost to Bret Hart’s Sharpshooter. His talent obviously didn’t go unnoticed, and he was named the 1992 Most Improved Wrestler by Pro Wrestling Illustrated. From there, the Bad Guy went on to incredible pay per view success. After losing to eventual King of the Ring Bret Hart in the first round, Razor went on to win his next seven pay per view matchups. After his match with Hart, Razor suffered an embarrassing to the 1-2-3 Kid on Monday Night Raw, and lost to him the following week as well. This led to a feud with Ted Dibiase and a face turn. At Summerslam ‘93, Scott defeated the Million Dollar Man in Ted’s last wrestling match in the US. Razor went on to win his first major title on September 27, 1993 when he and Rick Martel were the only two men left in a 20-man battle royal on Monday Night Raw. The two met the following week, and Razor was crowned the WWF Intercontinental Champion, winning the vacant belt. During this first reign as champion, after disposing of Irwin R. Schyster, Razor fought one of the greatest matches ever, defeating Shawn Michaels, who claimed to be the real IC Champion, in a ladder match at Wrestlemania X. The match was so good that it won the Pro Wrestling Illustrated Match of the Year for 1994. Razor dropped the title to Diesel, with the help of Michaels, in Rochester, NY, April 13, 1994. At the 1994 King of the Ring, Razor lost to Owen Hart in the finals. He took the IC strap back from his future tag partner at Summerslam ‘94 in Chicago. During that match, Walter Payton was at ringside with him. Another five month reign ended at the following Royal Rumble, where he lost the IC Title to Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett had won the match by countout, but he wanted the title, and Razor agreed to continue the match. He was later pinned.

Scott Oliver Hall Biography

Razor had a chance to win the title back at Wrestlemania XI, but the Roadie interfered and Razor won the match by DQ. The feud with Jarrett didn’t end, and he beat both Jarrett and the Roadie in a handicap match at the first In Your House. He won the IC strap back in Montreal, Quebec, Canada from Jarrett in a ladder match May 19, 1995, but lost it back to Jarrett three days later. During this time, the WWF had a working agreement with the USWA, an organization headed by Jerry Lawler. There was a lot of talent exchanged, and while Razor was there, he won the USWA Heavyweight Title from Bill Dundee April 3, 1995. He lost the title less than a month later, May 1, to Lawler. The Bad Guy had another shot at the IC Title against Shawn Michaels in another ladder match at Summerslam ‘95, but this time he fell short. He won the belt back at In Your House IV in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Dean Douglas was awarded the title from Shawn Michaels after he was attacked and couldn’t compete earlier in the show. Ramon, having already lost a Tag Team Title match earlier in the event with the 1-2-3 Kid against the Smoking Gunns, was given a shot at Douglas. He pinned the champ to win his unprecidented fourth Intercontinental Title. His final WWF title run ended when he lost to Goldust at the 1996 Royal Rumble with interference from the 1-2-3 Kid, who blamed Ramon for their tag title loss at IYH IV. Razor defeated the 1-2-3 Kid at the next In Your House. On February 19, 1996 Razor was suspended from the WWF for six weeks due to “unprofessional conduct.” Rumors are that it was due to substance abuse. His rematch with Goldust at Wrestlemania XII had to be cancelled. Razor’s final WWF pay per view was April 28, 1996 at In Your House VII. There he lost to Vader. Razor’s WWF contract expired May 21, and he made his WCW entrance on the first ever two hour Nitro, May 27 of 1996. “You know who I am,” said Scott, “and we are taking over.” He declared war on WCW. This move changed the history of wrestling and the tides started to turn in favor of WCW. Eric Bischoff used Scott’s charisma and ability behind the mic and in the ring to promote his status and create an icon. This was the beginning of the Outsiders and the best angle ever, the New World Order. Hall was joined two weeks later by his big buddy, Kevin Nash, and they began the takeover. The duo challenged WCW's three best wrestlers for a match at Bash at the Beach, and they were going to have a mystery partner. At the Great American Bash, their presence was felt when senior vice president Eric Bischoff was powerbombed off a rampway and through a table when he wouldn't reveal WCW's three competitors. July 7, 1996 brought Bash at the Beach as well as a little history. Sting, Lex Luger, and the Macho Man became the team of three, and when it came time for help, Hollywood Hogan bought his ticket and the New World Order was founded. The trio quickly added numerous members and has continued to threaten WCW ever since. At the next pay per view, Hog Wild, the Outsiders (Hall and Nash) took a step up the ladder, defeating Sting and Lex Luger. At Fall Brawl, Hall, Nash, Hogan, and a fake Sting beat Luger, Sting, Flair, and Arn Anderson, furthering the nWo's power in WCW. Hall and Nash quickly took the tag titles, winning them for the first time at Halloween Havoc '96, where they defeated Harlem Heat, and have now held them several times. They lost the belts twice, first to the Steiners and then to the Giant and Luger. Both times the title were given back to them by Bischoff on the following Nitro. After a short hiatus by Hall for an unknown reason, though it has been rumored to have been because of drug rehabilitation, Scott came back with Nash and Syxx to form the Wolfpac, which started a feud with Ric Flair and Rowdy Roddy Piper with their "Tradition Bites" campaign. The Wolfpac fought Flair, Piper, and Kevin Greene at Slamboree '97, and they somehow lost the match. Hall and Nash came back to whip Flair and Piper's asses at the 1997 Great American Bash less than a month after the defeat.
