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[ t h e l i f e o f a g i r l ] pg. 2

Welcome to the second page of "The Life of a Girl," an Our Weird Life Original Story™.

dilemma update
Well, things have cooled down in La-La Land. Nikki is no longer longing for escape. She's still coming back to the boy buffet for more. She's still after Matt. Of course, this poses a problem. Josh occationally frequents the buffet, causing a snafu in Nikki's grand "Matt-Attack" scheme. Questions arise, such as: "What if he thinks that I like him?" "How will I flirt with Matt if he's around?" "Will he and Matt become friends and ruin my plans?" Yes, Nikki has her hands full. Or should I say, "She has a lot on her plate." Haha!...sorry. Meanwhile, Jasmine is having problems. Joe is after her again. She hates him, but he's still after her. But there's even bigger problems. She has exhausted the Buffet. She's through with it. She even told people that she was through chasing boys, that she was tired of them. Well, she said she was through with Armando, but apparently she's not. While I do not feel like I am at liberty to divulge any details, suffice it to say that Jasmine must not be through with Armando just yet.

chemical x
Jasmine figured Armando would be fun for a season. She didn't like him enough to pursue an actual relationship with him because he is evil. "Evil" meaning "likes to beat up weaker people, like Jasmine." (Sadistic or criminally insane could work, too.) The strange thing is, Jasmine likes him. She has developed feelings for him, suprisingly, and she wants nothing more than to get rid of them. Why is this happening to Jasmine? What did Jasmine do to deserve this? Prepare to be neuroscientifically enlightened. There is a chemical in one's brain released when one makes out with another person. This chemical, let's call it "Chemical X" just for fun, causes one to have feelings the other person. Jasmine has fallen victim to this chemical. Nikki, on the other hand, isn't bound to Josh by Chemical X, either because she doesn't see him nearly everyday or she's a shameless ho. It's more likely to be the former, but she did make out with a guy she she didn't know... Speaking of Nikki, she's still laying siege to Matt, except she is trying to get his attention by ignoring him. It's not "shock and awe," but it seems to be working. Matt is beginning to notice her ignorance—no, wait—her ignoring of him. My bad. Anyway, to recap: Jasmine has a chemical imbalance, and Nikki's plan of ignoring Matt is working. Keep checking for more updates on "the life of a girl(s)!"

what's behind scandal number two?
No, this doesn't involve Nikki. It doesn't even involve Jasmine, amazingly. This is Anne's scandal. Yes, our sweet, innocent, Matt-loving Anne. But Anne doesn't like Matt anymore. And she's not as innocent either. She got mixed up with a womanizer named Dennis who has a thing for younger girls. They emailed each other for a while and met a few times outside of school. While they didn't go all the way, they sure came close, but it's not really fair to say "they" because it was mainly Dennis. Anne was the one that kept it from going that far. When Dennis's girlfriend Pheobe found out, she was none too pleased, even though it was Dennis that admitted it to her. But apparently, Phoebe found out more from the grapevine and is extremely mad. (Editorial comment: What is wrong with her? Didn't she know who he was when she said,"Let's go out!" I mean, everyone else knew. He played a girl he had been friends with for years before he hooked up with Phoebe. Then there were at least two younger girls before that. And not to mention the myriad women he played on the side. Wake up, Phoebe!! Did you really think he would be faithful to you?. Welcome to reality. End editorial comment.) Now Anne is not free of fault. She knew what she was getting into, but she liked him, so that all kinda flew out of the window. Some of the things she didn't try to stop. But Dennis knew better. And if anyone should be shunned, it should be him, not Anne. I'm sure there will be more developments later on. But for now, Dennis has added one more facet to his dissolute legacy.

the trouble with jasmine
As we all know, Jasmine can't keep herself away from guys. Hard as she tries, she can't pull herself away from them. Her lastest problem was Armando (darn those neurotransmitters...), but she ventured back to Indiana to visit her 75 year old grandmother and to reclaim her throne as Queen of the Midwest. It was only for a weekend, but leave it to Jasmine to zero-in on a cute guy in in less than 24 hours. More to come later. But let's check in on Nikki.

Nikki has just gotten over hating Dan, her old boyfriend that played her to pump up his ego, and now he's starting to annoy her. "How?" you ask. Well, Nikki sent him one of those stupid little surveys that you fill out about the person that sent it to you. The scoundrel purposely answered wrong and, among other things, said her hair color was grey. The unmitigated gaul! Then, the two of them had been emailing back and forth, and in response to the last email Nikki sent, Dan sent an email back to her with just one letter on it. K. That's it. Enraging, isn't it? In case you didn't catch the sarcasm, the whole situation shouldn't be a big deal, yet Nikki is being severely annoyed. She's afraid that she'll start liking him again. Bad road! Bad road!

a new hope
Desparate for a boyfriend that she can make out with and not feel guilty, Nikki gives up on the Buffet. Most of the entrées have left already, and she's sick of the ones that remain. She had lost hope. Until he came. Yes, a fresh wind blew through that lonely buffet and his name is Shawn. Shawn is friends with Justin, the guy Nikki nearly dated because she was so desparate. (Side note: Justin is now after Jasmine and she is doing all she can to beat him off.) So Nikki is trying to hook up with Shawn. Nikki always finds a reason to keep on going.

As for Jasmine, she has even more troubles than Justin to worry about. Remember Armando? (AKA "Bubba") She said she was over him. No one believes her. She had made a bet with a guy named Dwight that she would not kiss Armando again. That was (at least) one kiss ago. But now that bet is on again and Dwight's chances are looking pretty good. BTW, Nikki hooked Dwight up with Michelle, a friend of hers, at a party. Michelle is smitten with Dwight, but Dwight is reluctant to return any affection because she would be like, the only girl to ever like him. Ever. And Michelle is Justin's sister. So there's a nice web of confusion for you to snack on. :c)

restraining order, please
Let's start off with Dwight and Michelle. (I know, I know. This keeps getting less and less about Nikki as we go, but she is pretty close to the center of the universe. Not quite the center, but close.) First, Michelle sent Dwight a 15-page note (he only got 9 pages because she lost a few). Now, their relationship has just crossed the line separating "creepily cute" and "obsession." Through Nikki, Dwight received a notebook—yes, notebook—from Michelle. It was a thin notebook, but nevertheless, it was a notebook. It was pink, and inside, it was almost totally filled with pictures and a ton of wandering, random thoughts written in between the pictures (i.e., "I feel like the old woman in this picture..." and "These are my cats!") She may be a stalker, but a creative one at least. Dwight has been too intimidated by her "shock and awe" assault, so he hasn't written her back yet. Nikki and Jasmine fought and struggled with him to make him go to this concert that she would be at because she was dying to see him again. But she was grounded. So that was a bust. But other things more intriguing occured at that concert...

more confusion
Yes, things have gotten more confusing, as hard as that is to believe. And the afore-mentioned concert is only part of it. For starters, remember Dan? He had been annoying Nikki via the information highway. Not too long ago, he asked her to go to a movie with him. Nikki had conflicting feelings. On one hand, she used to hate him. After all, he did play her to inflate his ego. On the other hand, she thinks she's starting to like him again. The quandry is that although she's afraid of liking him again, she's still looking forward to going to the movies with him. And on the other other hand (?) is Ben. Yes, the entire time that Nikki was at the concert, she was holding hands with Ben. Now Ben is the last person you would expect Nikki to be holding hands with. Not only has Nikki known him for almost her entire life, but he is a little psychotic. Well, OK, a lot psychotic. He's a psycho, and no one knows why she's holding hands with him, not even Nikki. Chances are, this was just a one-time thing, and nothing will come out of it. never know. Especially in Nikki-Land, where chaos and hormones reign, and little surprises lurk around every corner.

One such surprise is a secret crush on a guy named Joel. It is between Dan and Joel that Nikki is torn. Each, I'm sure, has his own attractive qualities, but the ever-opinionated (and loud) Jasmine is hell-bent on convincing Nikki to choose Joel. She even listed pros and cons for each...Well, pros on Joel's side, cons on Dan's. Anyway, it would be easier for Nikki to choose Dan, simply because he is obviously pursuing her and because Joel really doesn't seem interested, probably because he has no clue. Honestly, a vote cast Joel's way, while being the better choice, would only be for worshipping from afar, not dating. Will Nikki actually choose someone? Will she, like so many electrons, take the path of least resistance and pursue "Generic-Brand Dan"? Will she be bold and tell Joel her feelings? Will she dare to touch the skin of Psycho Ben again? Will Dwight get twenty bucks from Jasmine soon enough to buy a gun to protect himself from Michelle? Probably. Stay tuned!

decisions, decisions
Well, Nikki decided to stop liking Joel, to Jasmine's chagrine, but no sooner had she dropped Joel than she was already considering another guy to like. This guy, Paul, has liked Nikki for a while. He draws on her feet and stuff, too. She says he's very sweet and nice. He seems like he would be pretty faithful. This time it doesn't really look like Nikki is trying to find a make-out partner. She's still looking forward to the movies with Dan, but she's thinking about Paul. She could make this a lot easier on herself and just like one guy at a time, but as metioned in the very first paragraph of the life of a girl, she has MIS, multiple infatuation syndrome. Somebody needs to make a patch or something for it, lest Nikki get so overwhelmed with boys that she explodes and ends up a leathery old woman in a smelly bathrobe with a dead cat in her lap.

more trouble with jasmine
I'm sure that sometimes you think that I'm making this stuff up. I'm not. I don't even think I could. All of these crushes and obsessions and scandals—they do it on their own. They're out of control. Especially Jasmine. While Nikki hops around from boy to boy, Jasmine is pretty steady in her choices. Sometimes that is a good thing. In this case, it is not. Do I need to underline that? NOT. She says that Matt and she like each other. Yes, this is the Matt that Nikki liked. The Matt that Anne was obsessed with. The Matt that once was detestible. The Matt that was in love with Jasmine all along, even when every other girl was fawning over him. Now they like each other. They were playing with each other's hair and weird stuff like that at a lock-in thing the other night. But this begs the question, "What about Armando?" What about Armando? Is she through with him? Doubtfully. Chances are that even if Matt and Jasmine hook up, he'll play her just like he and his brother Jason played Nikki. But it won't matter because Jasmine won't be able to keep away from Armando. Chemical X? Yeah. Right.

It's time for a review. Nikki likes