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These jokes are meant to bridge the gap between students and their feeling of being unable to learn English!........Hey students! Enforce yourselves into understanding these JOKES. They're very easy and funny................................ I g u e s s!


How much time & effort do you need to read them all ?       Don't care just read:

In The Classroom

*- The teacher had shown her students the pictures of two cows. One white and the other black.
After a moment she asked them:
"What do these cows give us?"

*- A student in the back answered:
"The white cow gives us milk, but the black one gives us c o f f e e!"

Somewhere at home

*-The mother : "Why are you standing in front of that mirror with your eyes shut?"
*-Her child : "I just want to see what I look like when I'm asleep!"

At The Restaurant

*-Waiter : "How did you find your steak, Sir?"
*-Customer : "I looked under a small slice of onion and there it was"

On The Bus

*-A lady on a bus was afraid lest she should miss her stop, so she poked the driver with her umbrella and asked :
*-The Lady : "Is this the first National Bank?"
*-The Driver : "No, Madam!... That's my rib. "

At The Fishing Zone

*-A man was buzy fishing along a quiet stream when a stranger came by and inquired:
*- "catch anything yet? "
*- "No! ", was the answer.
*- "That's strange. I heard this was a fine place for trout ".
*- "It must be " , was the answer, "They refuse to leave it ".

On A Ship!

*-Passenger : "Say,Captain, I don't feel well. How far are we from the land?"
*-Captain : "About three miles"
*-Passenger : " Which way? "
*-Captain : "Straight down! "

A final one

*-First Boy : "What's the difference between a champion athlete and a doctor taking someone's pulse ? "
*-Second Boy : "I don't know; what is it ? "
*-First Boy : " One beats the records and the other records the beats ! "

The Clever Donkey

Let's go to school right now.

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