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Moonbase Alpha Sections:


Chief astronaut and pilot Alan Carter(Nick Tate), heads the Reconnaissance section of Moonbase Alpha. He hails from Australia. Played in the RPG by: Craig

Name: CARTER, ALAN Date of Birth: DECEMBER 19, 1966 Place of BIrth: NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA Assigned Alpha: JUNE 14, 1999 (FOURTH TOUR OF DUTY) Job Assignment: CHIEF OF RECONNAISSANCE

Alan is the only person on Alpha to have actually seen the nuclear ex- plosions which ripped the Moon from its orbit and hurled it into deep space. He had been assigned to head the construction of the Meta Probe in lunar orbit when the disaster occurred. After he witnessed the shatter- ing cataclysm, even though he could have returned to Earth, he decided his loyalty was to the people on Alpha. This decision and Alan's reaction show only a small part of his ability and integrity. Having grown up on a cattle ranch in Australia, his major talent was horsemanship but his fondest dream and greatest love was flying. As a teenager he flew his family's private plane. As a young man he joined the Australian Air Force. As an adult he became an Astronaut in the U.S./Australian Space Co-opera- tion Program (1994). Three years later he was the third man to go to Mars and a year after that crewed on a flight to Venus's largest moon. In January, 1999, Alan became a member of Moonbase Alpha, having successfully tested the Eagle Transport and Mark IX Hawk. All had not been easy however. His professional achievements are all the more impressive considering his personal tragedy. A Eurasian girl with whom he had fallen deeply in love while stationed in Bali was murdered by terrorists. This terrible reality Alan will never forget, but it will never stop him either. His talents as a pilot and athlete are always in demand. He is one of Alpha's most valued residents.


In addition to being deputy Commander of Moonbase Alpha, Anthony (Antonio Dino/Tony)Dean Verdeschi (Tony Anholt)is head of Moonbase Alpha security. Played in the RPG by: Claudia

Name: VERDESCHI, ANTHONY DEAN Date of Birth: NOVEMBER 9, 1966 Place of Birth: FLORENCE, ITALY Assigned Alpha: AUGUST 27, 1999 (SECOND TOUR OF DUTY) Job Assignment: CHIEF OF SECURITY

Tony Verdeschi graduated from the University of Rome in 1990 and went on to earn his PhD at MIT in 1993. He entered the Space Service in 1994 as an Astronaut Cadet and later became part of Alpha's security team. He is irreverent, quick-witted and sharp-tongued, but never insubordinate. He has a deep respect for John Koenig. Although Chief of Security, a position which makes him responsible for the portection of the Moonbase, he is not the typical, gung-ho, by-the-book officer he sometimes appears to be. He is open to any change that will benefit the Alpha community. Besides being an expert fencer, his most unusual hobby is being Alpha's only resident brewmaster.


Sandra Benes(Zienia Merton)is chief of the Services section of Alpha. Played in the RPG by: April

Name: BENES, SANDRA Date of Birth: MAY 3, 1973 Place of Birth: BRUNEI, BORNEO Assigned Alpha: MARCH 4, 1999 (FIRST TOUR OF DUTY) Job Assignment: COORDINATOR OF DATA SECTION

Sandra is a petite and slender 5'2", dark-eyed brunette. Coming from a multi-national background (her father is an Englishman of Hungarian descent and her mother is Burmese), she encountered, as a child, many different languages as her family moved from place to place. Perhaps this is where her interest in communications was born, but her interest in electronics stems from the years she spent as a child working in the lab of her father, Professor Lawrence Benes. Prof. Benes devel- oped the Interstellar Transmitter, a powerful broadcasting device vital for deep space communications. Knowing more about the unit than anyone besides her father, Sandra was a natural choice for the Data Section of Moonbase Alpha. Her expertise and skills allowed her to be quickly promoted to the position of Data Section Coordinator.