Ahh! So Christmas is just around the corner, it's been so long since I have updated this site that I almost fell over when I realized how bad it has gotten! Ugh I have been working for a family law lawyer for almost two years now!! Gees how time flies when you are having fun...Or working your butt off, which ever way you choose to look at it...
I am not impressed with angelfire.com right now, apparently some where in my sabatical from web page design they down graded my webspace :( whatever shall I do!!! I am going to have to revamp the whole site I have less than 1 mb left so not much will be done right now, I just thought that I had better change things to be a little more current. So if I dont get the chance to get back here anytime soon MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!!
I am still trying to find time to work with Paint Shop Pro 7 and am slowly but surely teaching myself how to develop my own graphics. Jason's, Ricki's and Grandma's pages are all graphics I made myself. I still haven't found a local chapter of the WDAA, but anyone knowing where I can sign up for WEBPAGE DESIGN ADDICTS ANNONYMOUS, Please kindly email me at angnjay@mts.net, oh and I dont have an email address just for the web page anymore so please if anyone bookmarked the AngsPlace@shaw.ca address update to the @mts.net one.
Stil haven't received any pictures from the family that I had requested so if I actually do get some I want to add some pages of pictures of all the family.
Hope you like what I have done so far,
Love Ya All
Sylvester is still here,
he is just so darn cute!!
(pic taken in 1995)
Now on to the good stuff, my family & friends, the stuff about me is boring compared to all that I have planned to do with pictures, graphics and stories of all the wonderful people in my life.