So I think every one who looks at the pages should know who Jesse is and if not it's rather easy to figure out..The little guy ain't so little any more. He started grade one on August 28!! Man he grew up this summer. Although I am very lucky, he told me the other day even when he is in high school I can give him a ride and kiss him good bye in front of all his freinds...We will have to wait and see if that happens..I think he will change his mind on that one..
He has lost 4 teeth now! Gees i can remember when I couldn't wait for him to get them, now they are falling out like crazey.
Summer went by way to fast for him and he is already talking about what he wants to be for Halloween, kids, always lookin at the future, oh and he has mentioned a time or two what he might ask Santa for!
He still likes Batman & The Back Street Boys still rule in this house..Still cant believe I listen to dance music again, but thankfully he is not as interested in BSB as he used to be, now he really likes the stuff we listen to. Bon Jovi is one of his favourites, mind you he did tell me that country music is for old people, will have to work on that one!
I am planning on adding a photo album to Jess' page like the one I have off of our wedding page so soon I will have more pics of him up.
We went back to the water slides this summer (2001), Jesse did them on his own this time, with a life jacket mind you, but he didn't want to go down with us! :( he is growing up way to fast. This picture was taken when Jesse was 4 we spent the day at the water slides..he should have been born a fish the way this boy loves water!...It didn't take him long to master all the slides and with my heart in my throat I watched as my baby boy laughed like crazey all the way from the top of the slides to the bottom! That's my boy..hesitant at first then once he gets the hang of something off he goes!...
December 1998
This is where I found the BATMAN SET!!
Song Playing "Back Street Boys, Larger Than Life"