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"The American Eagle
But never Broken..."

The Noble Eagle flying
Is the symbol of our land;
His wings can not be broken
A war or human hand.

His heart is gently grieving
Over all that has transpired;
But the symbol of our nation
And will never be retired.

His eagle eye is watching
Over meadow, sea and sky;
As we join in heartbreak
We try to reason “Why?”

Bent, but never breaking
This mighty bird of peace;
His wings reach ever upward
His flight will never cease…

Proudly he is soaring
The eagle lives…He did not die;
“They will not defeat me”
"They only made me cry…"

Maria Lindberg
Copyright 2001

Maria,Jamie,Todd Lindberg,Judy Quinlen, Jody Brittain,
Diana Groome,Teri Garrison,Debra Adams,Kathy Esquerra, Jessica Esquerra,
Kimberly Esquerra, Tiffany Esquerra, Sara Kaminski,Dee Dee Carl,
Connie Crumpler,Frannie Plourd,Terry Coffy,
Sonya Patterson,Ruthie McNeil, Becky Deline,Lynn Flood
Clay Nichols and Family, Gary Dubrosky, Pamela, Amanda Alexander, Sharon Algar,
Cathyln Lemming, Mary Beth Bowman, Curt & Cheryl Cragun, Dawn and Shane Wolfe
Michele, John, Jeremy, and Bridget Gibbs
Charles and Maryann St.George,Ronald J. Gerhardt, Reynold D. Binder,
Anita Britton, Beverly Ayer, Terry Briggs,Baker Family,
Dolores Treadway,Dewayne and Paula Dees,Alan & Rosalie Hylek
Mike and Karen Dewease, Chris, Drew, and Morgan, Joann Morgan
The Sypniewski Family,Barbara and Jennifer Hale,Richard and Linda Duncan
Richard Bennett,Sarah and Eric Mebane,Vicki Bennett
Janet and Art Bilodeau, Brandon Witcher,Edward and Linda Viita
Gene and Murline Harvey,Robin Lawson Robbi Lawson
Janis Bayless, Jim Bayless, Jennifer Nelson,
Tyler Nelson, John Bayless, Paula Bayless, CeCe Bayless,
Jim Bayless,Jr., Carol Bayless, Tanner Bayless, and Connor Bayless
Randall & Linda Scalf,Dan and Cindy Tuggle,D.Bowling
Jacqueline Chin, Kenneth Chin, Joshua Chin, Katherine Chin, Sue Tanida
Miles and Dinah Camp,Debra Huck-Viita,Shannon,
Adrian Iongh,Maxine Jackson,Jayne Ashbaugh
Danny,Patty,Dan,Brian, Tamara,Keirstin,Brent,and Cameron Akers
Joshua and Amy Turner,Us Army, Spc.Paul terHorst, Sara Tupa,C J Brooks
Debby and Denny Robinson, Richie and Jenna
Lisa and Travis Lawson, Buck and Debbie Turner, Justin and Erin Turner,
Rita,John, Julie and Jessica Crumrine
Mike and Annette Thompson, Kerna, Travis, Howard and Evelyn Dillon
Grace Robinson Junnie and Debbie,Charlie,Shannon,Kelsey Jo,Byron, Amanda,Keirra,
Justin Akers Betty Akers, Bobby Sandy and Suzanna Willams ,
Brandi,Johnny,Jacob,Kaylee Ferrell, Toni,Eric, Ryan and Chase Jackson
Judy and Bubby Akers and Jodie,Terra and Tori Smoot,Debbie and Chelsey Burgess
Lisa.Kenny,Megan McKinney, Robby and Angie Zickafoose
Mike,Scotty,Brandon,Kara Jo and Elizabeth Akers
Jimmy Kandi,Jason and Corey Akers
Mothers Of the Military,Support Group
Mickey, Debbie, Crystal, Shawn, Curry, Magar Family
Barb Nye - Proud Navy MOM,Proud American,Joanne,Averil,Danny & Kevin
Lori, Jerry and Jarrod Remaley, Frank Remaley, Proudly serving his country
Karen Hollandsworth, Proud Daughter and MOM of the Air Force
USAF T/Sgt D. Brooks & Family
Pat Martin, Army Mom of David - Germany
Members of Proud Army Mom’s--Pams
Connie Pfannenstein, Proud Army Mom of Sadie, U.S.Army,
Dee Owens Atoka,Okla,Thrasilla Tegtmeier,Danielle Mirrer,
John and Lynn Burdette,
The Holloway-King Family, John, Yvette and Zane
David,Elaina and Elizabeth O'Neill,
Loretta,Melissa ,Tami and Jim,
Mr.&Mrs Raymond R. Moore,Karen Ann Moore,Tammy Jordan
Judith Wiley, Darrell Hendricks Sr. Darrell Hendricks Jr. Jennifer Kinsfather, Andrew Kinsfather,
Nancy Ann Paonessa, Ernestine,Kenneth, and Emily Brooke Keaton, Rickey Sherman Waite,
Gary Allan Cerveny, Loraine Medlock, Christy Chappell,

Great Brittain

Julie Myers,Beth,Robert, Paul, David, Jayne and Sophie Taylor
,Laura Nelson,Gill Marseilles,Pam Peter Whitbourne, Jan and Ray Hedricks,
Jason, Dean, Wayne Sean ,Nerissa ,Marianne Kerry and Maxine,
Debbie and Graeme Baker Heather Frost,Gary and Trudy Moore, Sharon,
Val Challinor Sharon and Jeff Ottley, Laurien Lewis,Sandy Gordon-Baker,
Pam, Fraser, Margo Strang Yvonne Farrel, Ruth Hall,
Marcia Walton, Michele,Steven Algar,Julie Roach and
Chris Farrel, Jonathan Farrel,Liz and Malcom Dyde,
Barbara and David Cotton,Roberta Algar,Karen Child,J.Algar
George Stevenson,Roslyn, Thomas,Kimberly Houston
Brian Berkeley-White,Rory Peacher
Julie Bryan, Paul Bryan, Ashley Preston, Chloe Bryan,
Family of Lee Preston, British Army serving in Germany
Sue Peppin,Kelly and Naya Bosch,Anne and John Brice


Barbara Lloyd, Jayne and Harry Harvey

New Zealand

Trish Hendl,Kaeleen Harley and Brian Steward,Beverley and Fiona Jordan,
Jenny Dobson,Les Dobson, Craig Dobson, Emma Dobson
Heather,Barrie,Renee, Sophia Dunbar,Louise Sargent


Ann Truyens,Jayne and Harry Harvey,Heather Clifford
Patricia Nyeste, Amanda Nyeste,Thom Ross,Susan Chickowski, Lori Tkach


Sylvia,Nemone and Molly Marseilles and Flavio,Sandy Gordon-Baker,Marcia Walton,
Colleen Shaw, The Wholey Family, Lorraine and John Walton,
Kay & George Napier, Anna Laidlaw Chris and Fergus Gaskell
Gail & Neil Fernando, Steven and Florence Scott, Bob and Jean Painter,
Garth Leggett,Audrey Sherriff,Chantal Till


Zan,Joanne,Jacques and Bella Marseilles,Kelly Naya Bosch


Per-Arne, Yvonne, Pierre, Christian, Veronica, Lars, Dinah Swanson Camp


Gadisa,Johanna Huisman, Costavina Patty


Rita Eide


Faye and John Hendricks


José Corrente ,Paula Joaquim , Artur Salvador , Paula Rebelo , Margarida Ferreira ,Carla Nuno ,
Rita Aranha , Conceição Ferreira , Lurdes Gomes , Paula Lacerda , Catarina Bernardo , Joaquim Ferreira ,
Ricardo Lacerda , Isabel Lacerda , Ana Lacerda , João Lacerda , Luis Salvador
Angela - Ricardo Vieira , Bernardo Reis ,Rui Pires , David Santos
Joana Neves ,Barbara Silva Dias , Gonçalo Silva Dias , João Melo , André Machado
Tadeu Machado,Vera Maísa Liliana Parreira


Stefanie ,Lady Di Gedaechtnisklub Holzminden
Evelyn Marie Seidel and Aikka Seidel,Melani Doerflein


Moona Ashraf Imamdin, Amna Marium Mehmood


Joao Campos, Jennifer Rodriguez, Rafael Soto, David Santos, Steven Martins,
Daniel Vasquez, Fernanda Jimenez, Josue Martinez, Vasco Noriega,
Jessica Figueroa, Sonia Toscano, Enrique Santana, Leena Santana,
Roy Santana, Veronica Burgos, Freddie Mejia, Irma Mejia,
Marco Pedrigon, Jenifer Pedrigon,
Mr. Mesa Mrs. Mesa, Sonia Santos, Paulina Rubio,




Stanovik Drago

The Seychelles

Juliette Dorizo


Kumiko Nakai


Mario Montejo
A Special candle and prayer for Elian

We will Stand Together
For Freedom

..."He has sounded forth the trumpet...
That shall never call defeat"...

Email me if you would like your name added
To your Nations flag
or your Nations flag added

Light a Candle
for World Peace

The Arms of Love

My Candles

Tribute to the USS Cole

Mothers Of the Military
Alone we are weak
But together we are

Click on the Insignia
To Join this Support Group

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